The Limited Times

Naama's choice

2/10/2020, 10:34:12 PM

Galit Distell Atbrian

Naama Issachar's odd list of thanks to people who supported her throughout her struggle to be released from Russian prison does not necessarily indicate the particular character of the girl, but rather about the general mood. Issachar is nothing more than a blatant and blatant case of how the Israeli public internalized the unwritten codes of what "right" and "wrong" say and how "proper" or "inappropriate" to brand yourself.

Thus, Naama bothered to mention countless people whose contribution to her release is almost nil - Cosmic Spiritual Guides (correct branding), coveted TV stars (right branding), mayors the elite likes (correct branding). In the same breath and out of sight the two people who actually saved her life: the first is a Chabad representative in Russia who sweated and worked for her release much more than a rock harness, for example. And the second is the man who, if not for his tremendous international capabilities - would rather wake up on Facebook Breakfast happened in the Russian prison.

But Naama didn't want to be linked, even implicitly, with two factors that "the right people" don't like. Chabad is a poor branding because of religion. And Netanyahu? Well, Netanyahu is already another story - dare to thank him and Gama; the elite will bother to brand you forever as a crazy and delusional junkie.

And Naama knew it because she had a promo. At a time when no one thought Netanyahu would be able to release her from prison, the elite labeled her as "the girl of us all." But when it became clear that Netanyahu's diplomatic efforts were about to bear fruit, she suddenly became a narcotic bloc that clung to the Israeli diplomacy sole.

After missing the long, meticulous thank-you list of the real man who saved her from a terrible fate, hundreds of angry and surprised people wrote to her on Facebook that she was ungrateful. That may be true, but that's not the point. The root of the matter is fear, and that fear is undeniably justified. In many ways Naama had to save her image while denying the person responsible for her freedom. So much so that the fear of being "embraced by the Emperor of Balfour's Emperor" is everlasting.

After the immediate public turmoil that sparked her list of thanks, Naama was also forced to include the PM. But then an interesting thing happened that most clearly points to the real centers of power in Israeli society: As soon as his name was added to the list, somehow the media from Netanyahu's office called to reprimand Damage has been repaired. Between the angry public and the threatening elite, Naama's wise family has chosen the elite. If the "blue and white" sticker on the vehicle is not a strong enough hint, Netanyahu should be publicly humiliated as a ridiculous group of people so that no one dares to think Naama Likes him by mistake.

Naama Issachar's choice is an illustration of the tension the Israeli public is facing: his bodyguard will stay away from the prime minister; Mockery and loathing are the only proper response to the economic, security and political prosperity it brought to Israel. At the end of the day, you know, it's all a matter of branding.

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