The Limited Times

Subscribers send countless annoyed tweets to Netflix - that's behind the anger of the users

2/10/2020, 4:13:41 PM

For weeks, Twitter users have been sending annoyed tweets to Netflix: subscribers are reminded of a “promise” that has so far not been kept.

For weeks, Twitter users have been sending annoyed tweets to Netflix: subscribers are reminded of a “promise” that has so far not been kept.

  • Netflix keeps its subscribers on Twitter up to date with the streaming offer.
  • For countless users, however, only one thing plays a role in the comments on the tweets.
  • Months ago, Netflix made a hint that has not yet been put into practice - and that annoys many.

Netflix always publishes the latest updates on new releases on Twitter. Up-to-dateness is not the only charm of the account, because the streaming giant's social media team is now known for writing all tweets in a funny style with a lot of self-irony.

This undoubtedly makes the entire platform a lot more likeable for many. Other users, on the other hand, are so upset that even the ironic contributions do not prevent them from continually pointing out an unpleasant truth to the streaming service: subscribers have been denied something for months.

Netflix wanted to release a series that never appeared

Regardless of the topic on which Netflix * publishes tweets, there are mainly answers of a certain type: Users point out that the anime "Naruto Shippuden " is still not to be found on the platform.

Incidentally, these are not just isolated tweets, because in fact countless users have already come together under the hashtag "#WirWollenShippuden ". They regularly respond to almost every contribution from the streaming service with the same request to finally publish the series. Any comments that actually respond to the tweets' statements almost completely disappear in the sea of ​​Naruto wishes.

Read also : Netflix is ​​testing new functions that could really rage serial fans .

Why is the outcry from Netflix subscribers so big?

An example illustrates the scenario: On February 8, the Netflix social media team published a suitable tweet for the weekend:

It's Saturday, which means * nap while my favorite show is in the background *.

- NetflixDE (@NetflixDE) February 8, 2020

"It's Saturday, which means * nap while my favorite show is in the background *" can be read in the article. A user reacts to this: "It is Saturday, which means * We have to wait again for Naruto Shippuden to come .. *". Another person writes: "My favorite show is Naruto Shippuden and if it runs in the background I stay awake 24/7!"

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In autumn 2019, it was announced that " Naruto Shippuden " should actually appear on Netflix, as well as the main series "Naruto", which is already available. However, it was never uploaded and those responsible for the streaming service have kept themselves covered since then. Since there is no clarity, the outcry of the users is understandable.

But if Netflix acts in a similar way to a newly introduced and long-awaited function * that can be used to turn off autoplay trailers, there is hope. In this context, those responsible claimed to have heard the wishes of the users clearly. Maybe you will soon hear the countless voices that have been wishing for "Naruto Shippuden" for weeks.

Find out more : "Game of Thrones" - fans can look forward to another book end.

In the video: Five facts about Netflix

* is part of the nationwide central Ippen editorial network .

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