The Limited Times

The lines are straight or crooked? Most people do not face this optical illusion - Walla! fun

2/10/2020, 2:25:12 PM

The Lancaster website came out with a series of 11 optical illusions designed to confuse the surfers, and what do you know, they confused us as well. So tell us, are the turquoise lines in this picture straight or ...

The lines are straight or crooked? Most people do not deal with this optical illusion

The Lancaster website came out with a series of 11 optical illusions designed to confuse the surfers, and what do you know, they confused us as well. So tell us, are the turquoise lines in this picture straight or crooked?

The lines are straight or crooked? Most people do not deal with this optical illusion


In the video - the illusion of the arrow - in which direction is it pointing?

There are things that the human brain simply cannot absorb - or, at the very least, manage to absorb only after strenuous thought, after a few minutes of careful observation and analytical thought. Unlike the brain, which usually organizes things and puts a little logic into the situation, the eyes sometimes cause us confusion - it's more or less the principle that lies at the center of optical illusions, which make us see things that aren't really there.

Well, the Nestor site recently created a series of 11 optical illusions designed to test just how sharp you are, and what you know, it's really not easy. One specific one particularly confused the surfers, and it is not difficult to understand why.

It's very simple: When you look at this picture, with the pink and turquoise lines, do the turquoise lines look straight or crooked to you?

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And the correct answer is ...

there is? Want the answer? Well ... the turquoise lines are basically straight, they just look crooked because of the shape of the pink lines. The colors themselves also have a big impact on our confusion. By the way, you just know, studies have shown that women are better than men in optical illusions.