The Limited Times

They denounce Cristina Kirchner for relating the Italian ancestors of Mauricio Macri with the mafia

2/10/2020, 7:46:12 PM

The presentation is by the vice president's sayings in the presentation of his book Sincerely, in Cuba.

02/10/2020 - 15:17

  • Clarí
  • Politics

Vice President Cristina Kirchner was denounced on Monday for slipping that the alleged judicial persecution against her is linked to the "mafia component" of the Italian ancestors of former President Mauricio Macri.

The Apollo Foundation made the presentation, mentioning that Cristina violated "the norms of the Law of Ethics in the Exercise of Public Function and of the Code of Ethics of Public Function".

"The mafia component of lawfare resulted in the persecution of my children, but especially in Florencia (Kirchner)," the former president said in the presentation of her book Sincerely on Saturday in Cuba, and continued: "That component must be mafia, the ancestors of whoever it was ... as a well-known journalist reported in the newspaper Page 12 when he spoke of the Italian Ndrangheta, well those ancestors must be. "

Following these statements, the Foundation, which is made up of leaders linked to Juntos por el Cambio, filed a complaint against the vice president before the Anti-Corruption Office (OA) currently headed by Félix Crous.

According to the presentation, which is available on the Foundation's website, Cristina referred to Mauricio Macri's Italian ancestors as a cause of the alleged mafia behavior of the former president, so they denounced her for "italophobic" manifestations.

"The expressions of the Vice President of the Nation are discriminatory , while attributing the alleged mafia behavior of a person to 'the ancestors', as if ethical or contrary to ethical behaviors did not depend on the self-determination of human beings, but of their ancestry, of their ethnic origin, "they said.

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- Apollo Foundation (@FundApolo) February 10, 2020

And they added: “Contrary to the iltalophobic thesis of the former president, two of our greatest heroes, who embody honesty, personal detachment, the protection of the patrimony of the State, and the disinterest for the foreign and proper patrimony, are the doctors Manuel Belgrano and Arturo Illia, both descendants of Italians. "

The presentation of the Foundation also questions the "interference of the vice president of the Nation, from another state power, in the causes in which it is investigated , for which he used the concept of mafia associated with that of" Lawfare ", to place in victim situation ".

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