The Limited Times

Trump honors Juan Guaidó in Congress

2/10/2020, 7:07:12 PM

According to Jorge Dávila Miguel, the assembly on the border of President Iván Duque, the 5,000 marines for Colombia and Trump's “all options on the table” as a strategy for sac…

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Editor's Note: Jorge Dávila Miguel has a degree in Journalism since 1973 and has maintained a continuing career in his profession to date. He has postgraduate degrees in Social Information Sciences and Social Media, as well as postgraduate studies in International Relations, Political Economy and Latin American History. Dávila Miguel is currently a columnist for the New Herald, on the McClatchy chain and political analyst and columnist for CNN in Spanish. The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author

(CNN) - The president of the United States, Donald Trump, has declared war on Venezuela for the umpteenth time. This time, he did it before the full Congress in Washington. It was during the annual speech on the State of the Union on Tuesday night, which he invited the opposition leader Juan Guaidó, president of the Venezuelan National Assembly. Everyone applauded him.

They say that Guaidó is a very brave man, that he loves Venezuela very much and that you just have to look at what “that boy, alone” has done. That is what a firm supporter of those who still have Guaidó have told me since he promised us, a year ago, that Maduro would have fled by now like a rat or would have been arrested, tried, shot, or shot a sovereign trumpet, what do I know

I do not doubt that Guaidó is a very brave man and that he wants the best for his country, but the fact that he is still a “boy”, as that paternal Cuban who assures me the full name of the opposition leader embroidered on a cap assures me Tricolor like the Venezuelan flag.

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What I am sure of is that the entire strategy for the overthrow of Nicolás Maduro and the seizure of power by Juan Guaidó was not conceived by himself, nor was organized by “that boy” –– as the man in the cap thinks excited– . Because most likely, the brilliant strategy has left the offices of the CIA, the State Department of Mike Pompeo and the brilliant presidency of the OAS, under the gallant captaincy of Luis Almagro. Because if I'm wrong, could someone explain to me where else in the world could invent something so awkward?

At the end of January 2019, Juan Guaidó's presidential self-proclamation was announced, and from all corners of the press the insinuation, and almost certainty, appeared that the invasion of Venezuela was imminent. We had John Bolton's 5,000 marines in his yellow note and that "all options are on the table," by President Trump. Also, the assembly on the border of the president of Colombia, Iván Duque, and those two beautiful and paraditos military side by side in Cúcuta, gringo and Colombian, saluting martially and waiting for orders, almost saying "commander in chief, order." In reality, all that was nothing more than a bluf, product of the perspective that "American Exceptionalism" has of itself, and of the cetrina ignorance that this vision has on the "inferior" countries.

What did Guaidó say about his meeting with Trump? 0:31

And so, unfortunately Guaidó was caught in the middle of that bluf, which still feeds on the visit of the president of the National Assembly to Congress and also the White House - cold and protocol - that barely conceals the contempt that Trump himself seems Feel for Guaidó. That bluf badly damaged the legitimate Venezuelan opposition. It deprived her of credibility, because they encouraged her to use all her strength against Nicolás Maduro prematurely, based on what we repeated each other daily at the stations in Miami, that monumental echo chamber. But, although the echo chambers do not design strategies, the entire opposition, very happy with the gringo solving, fell like a dove in what Washington said: that this was the right time and method. Guaidó accepted Washington's plan without sneering.

I don't think Juan Guaidó has a puppet vocation. I think he is a brave and charismatic man. I do believe that he is a victim of the hinges, bolts, illusions and lies with which he set up a theater in Venezuelan exile in Miami, so that they made the same mistakes that Cuban radical exile has committed for 60 years. Because it was the Cuban-American political leaders - of course, with the help of the Boltons, the Almagro and the Pompeo - who sold the theater of events to the Venezuelan opposition.

But then, why did Trump take Guaidó to the plenary of Congress, salute him and honor him? Why did you take it the next day to the White House? Very easy. The presidential elections are just around the corner. And what does another bluf matter to Donald Trump.

Donald Trump Juan Guaidó