The Limited Times

Blad will also understand that the rules have changed

2/11/2020, 9:34:30 PM

Jalal Bana

The High Court's decision this week to approve MK Hiba will back from the Balad to deal with the Knesset was not surprising, even though it outraged most of the Jewish public, and a considerable part of the Arab public in Israel. Many of these people see Bizbek's imitation of Hanin Ze'evi. Is the fact that she was accepted on the cutting edge. This is the first time that four of the nine judges in the panel have clearly and unequivocally supported the disqualification and see Yezbeck's posts as a clear support for actions against the State of Israel. This may very well indicate a direction for the future.

Had she been disqualified, she might have found herself leading a more militant line, which would sweep a significant and serious group of BLD members, who considered breaking down the joint list and leaving the Knesset a goal in itself. As part of public opinion preparation before the High Court decision, many party members argued that if The disqualification will be approved, all members of the BLD must be removed to the Knesset, and some even demand that the entire joint list contest the elections as a step of protest and solidarity.

However, for both the Jewish and Arab public, try to see a little beyond the current storm's horizon. It is possible that the decision will bring about a slow but significant change in the BLD, a change that has already begun in the younger generation, led by party chairman Matans Shahada. Despite the rhetorical rhetoric, the current generation does not intend to follow the paths of their predecessors - from Bashara entrepreneurs, through Hanin Zuabi, Said Nafaa and Basel Ghatas - who have been investigated or tried for security offenses. The new generation understands well that the rules of the game - parliamentary and legal - are changing.

This generation won the internal elections for all party institutions, is more pragmatic, and unlike the previous generation, it directs its messages inward, to the Arab public in Israel, and not to the Arab world. Its representatives see the heads of the other parties - Ayman Odeh (Hadash) and Ahmed Tibi (IDF) - competing, and aim to become a relevant option for the Arab electorate. This is in contrast to the previous generation, in which their actions and actions have been harshly criticized, and have discouraged many, especially young people, from joining the party and being active in it. The most prominent evidence is the weakening of LD among young Arabs, especially in student cells at various universities in Israel.

About a month ago, I wrote here that BLD may be nearing the end of its path. In a sense, it is still relevant: "BLAD of yesteryear", if you can call it that, may fade away, and the new BLD may be different. Its leaders today are behaving and behaving differently This change may be tactical, not necessarily ideological, but the new leadership will want to differentiate from its predecessor, but also present an alternative to the other Arab parties, but even if the change is largely stylistic and immaterial, in the long run - it will sometimes change consciousness.

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