The Limited Times

CDU crisis: Friedrich Merz has a clear opinion on the AfD - "I wouldn't be here today if .."

2/11/2020, 9:34:19 PM

Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer draws drastic consequences after the Thuringia disaster. The CDU chief resigns. The search for a successor remains exciting.

Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer draws drastic consequences after the Thuringia disaster. The CDU chief resigns. The search for a successor remains exciting.

  • CDU leader Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer radically says goodbye to her highest political positions and perspectives.
  • In her reasoning she bluntly addresses the disastrous prime minister election in Thuringia *.
  • Friedrich Merz is also in discussion for AKK's successor . But the federal CDU apparently wants to prevent this .

Update at 9.40 p.m .: The battle for the successor of Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer and the candidature for chancellor has begun. Friedrich Merz , who alongside Armin Laschet, Markus Söder and Jens Spahn * are likely to have the greatest chances, spoke in a speech in Magdeburg for the first time after the AKK withdrawal with regard to the situation of the CDU.

In front of the CDU- related Economic Council, the 64-year-old announced that he wanted to make his personal contribution in order to get the CDU back on the road to success. However, the ex-group leader noted that he does not want to endanger the unity of the Union or the CDU. That reports

AKK successor and candidate for chancellor of the CDU: Merz wants to achieve "friendly solution"

Merz emphasized that a collegial approach to his party colleagues was important to him and that in case of doubt he would also let other candidates take the lead - as part of a "friendly solution".

"I want us to do it in a decent manner. There is always a day after. You have to be able to look into your eyes again and again, ”says the 64-year-old. Merz ran together with Jens Spahn and Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer for CDU chairmanship last year, but in the end was beaten by AKK . Now the lawyer probably wants to try again.

Friedrich Merz (CDU) shows a clear edge to the AfD: "Large parts of the party are anti-democratic"

Merz showed a clear edge in his speech, especially in the direction of the AfD . "Large parts of the party are anti-democratic, ethnic, some of them have openly anti-Semitic resentments." The party would play with democracy. Other things apply to a large part of their voters, according to Merz .

In the upcoming election, the Union must aim to win back not only the Greens, but above all the AfD . "I would not be here today if I did not believe that it was possible to get significant parts of these voters back," Merz emphasized his demands.

Söder warns CDU after AKK withdrawal - for the Union it is "all or nothing"

Update at 20.42: The Bavarian Prime Minister and CSU boss Markus Söder has warned the CDU sister party after the resignation of Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer of a "total break with the Merkel era". Söder also advocated that Angela Merkel should complete her term of office that runs until 2021.

AKK successor in the CDU: Markus Söder demands - "defer personal vanities"

An early withdrawal could cause further problems. "That would be wrong. Germany needs a stable government with an internationally respected chancellor, ”said the CSU chief . When it comes to the Chancellor candidate question, the main thing now is to "put personal vanities on the back burner," said Söder in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung .

Söder was considered alongside Armin Laschet , Friedrich Merz and Jens Spahn as one of the possible candidates for a candidature in the coming year. The Bavarian Prime Minister emphasizes that the main thing is to unite the parties. "If you don't manage to hold the CDU together, you won't develop any integration power for Germany." For the Union in the next few months it will be "all or nothing".

I have great respect for @akk's decision - even if I'm sorry. Because we work together very trustingly. But it is now necessary to fundamentally clarify the content and personnel structure of the #CDU.

- Markus Söder (@Markus_Soeder) February 10, 2020

CDU crisis: Chancellor Schröder sharply criticizes Merkel after resignation from AKK

Update at 5:55 p.m .: Former Chancellor Gerhard Schröder ( SPD ) has criticized the behavior of his successor Angela Merkel in recent months. She made a "fatal mistake" when she resigned as CDU chief, but remained chancellor. Merkel had thus brought her party into a difficult situation to control.

The situation would have led to increased discussions and disagreements within the party, "because one did not really know who was in charge, the chancellor or the chairwoman". That's what Angela Merkel's predecessor told Media Pioneer .

CDU crisis: survey shows opportunities for potential candidates for chancellor - one is far behind

Update at 4.30 p.m .: With the announced resignation of Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer , the CDU stands without chancellor candidates almost 1.5 years before the next federal election. Will AKK's successor as chairman of the People's Party also claim the chancellor's candidacy, or even Markus Söder as CSU boss will throw his hat in the ring.

A poll by now shows for the first time after the resignation of the CDU chief who the members of the party would support. That reports The result of the survey, in which 713 members from the CDU and CSU took part, shows a three-way battle at the top. Prime Minister Armin Laschet from North Rhine-Westphalia, CSU chief Markus Söder and ex-union faction leader Friedrich Merz are equally favored by the party members. In the poll, the candidates each received 26, 25 and 24 percent of the votes. If you include the error tolerance of the survey, there is a tie.

Only all Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn is far behind in the survey. Only eleven percent of the members trust the 39-year-old to run as chancellor .

CDU crisis after AKK resignation: party leadership probably wants to prevent Friedrich Merz

Update at 13:36: After AKK's resignation, party colleague Friedrich Merz is treated as a possible candidate for her successor. But the federal CDU apparently wants to prevent this , according to a report by Talks are currently being held in Berlin to prevent Merz from running for the CDU party chair. Instead, he wanted to give him a role other than that of the party leader, said. In the past, Merz was already being discussed as a possible Minister of Economy . However, it is not yet known whether this office will also be discussed during the current deliberations. The CDU apparently sees NRW Prime Minister Armin Laschet as a favorite for AKKS's successor.

Update at 12.33 p.m .: After SPD leader Walter-Borjans indicated bad news for the continued existence of the GroKo in the event of a change of chancellor, criticism is now also coming from the ranks of the CSU . CSU regional group leader Alexander Dobrindt obviously has very little opinion of AKK's plan for the reorganization of the CDU. He was "absurd," said Dobrindt. And further: The plan to name the candidate for chancellor only in the summer and to elect the new party leader at the party congress in December is "not a schedule that has a chance of being implemented". He now calls for an acceleration in clarifying the CDU's personnel issues.

Meanwhile, experts suspect that the Thuringian election scandal was no mere accident *. The next developments will probably show whether it is really a card game.

CDU crisis: SPD leader Walter-Borjans with bad news for GroKo

Update at 10.22 a.m .: It is extremely questionable whether the SPD would support its coalition partner CDU / CSU in the event of an early change of chancellor. SPD leader Norbert Walter-Borjans said in a conversation with Deutschlandfunk on Tuesday that the SPD had always "made it very clear" that it had formed the grand coalition "with a chancellor Angela Merkel". If Merkel gave up the chancellorship during this legislative period "Then we would certainly have a situation in which there was a lot to think about and a lot to talk about".

When asked whether the continued existence of the grand coalition would also be up for debate , the SPD leader said: "For the debate, of course, because it is about content, because it is also about trust." He is still "very skeptical, that what needs to be done in this country can be easily achieved in the long term with the grand coalition ".

CDU crisis: SPD leader Walter-Borjans does not see GroKo at risk in the short term

In the short term, he doesn't see the coalition at risk : "But I'm also a realist," said Walter-Borjans. "We have a foundation that is in this government with Chancellor Anngela Merkel."

The head of “Today's Journal” at ZDF also spoke about the Chancellor on Monday. In a comment, he made a grim forecast for the CDU and massively criticized Merkel. Instead, “Hard but fair” got FDP boss Christian Lindner caught in the crossfire of the guests. And the selection of the talk guests themselves caused outrage.

Update from February 11, 7:43 p.m .: Developments in Thuringia were probably the tip of the iceberg for the CDU chairwoman: Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer (CDU) pulled the handbrake. With her announcement that she did not want to run for the Union as Chancellor candidate , the Minister of Defense also indirectly gave up the CDU executive chair - because that is not only the traditional CDU credo, but also Kramp-Karrenbauer's reason for her decision: Chair and position as Chancellor lie in one hand to create clear power relations.

The Great Koalitoin does not falter, finds Kramp-Karrenbauer and she receives support from Vice Chancellor Olaf Scholz . But not all coalition partners see the Groko in such a stable position. On Monday evening, SPD chairman Norbert Walter-Borjans had made it clear that the Union would be able to cope with a leadership search, but not a split.

Vice Chancellor Scholz on CDU crisis: "Grand coalition will do its job"

Update of February 10, 9:10 p.m .: Vice Chancellor Olaf Scholz sees the announced withdrawal of CDU leader Kramp-Karrenbauer as no threat to the continued existence of the coalition. “The grand coalition will do its job. It is obliged to do this, ”said Scholz on Monday evening in an ARD focus . Even in previous coalitions, there had been changes in party leaders who "accompanied" government work.

"That doesn't have to stop you from doing your job properly," added the SPD politician. When asked whether stable government work was possible with a CDU until possibly by the end of the year, Scholz said: "I am convinced of that."

The Vice Chancellor also sees no danger of a possible shift to the right by the CDU after the controversial Prime Minister election in Thuringia.

ARD focus on CDU earthquake: why did AKK pull the handbrake?

Update from February 10, 8:46 pm: Why did AKK pull the handbrake? And how will the CDU continue until December? In an ARD hotspot , Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer commented on her withdrawal from the CDU party leadership in a special program.

"However, for this legislative period we have agreed that the Merkel government will remain chancellor and we have always said that we want to bring this legislative period to an end," said Kramp-Karrenbauer on Monday evening.

"Wants to be part of the solution and not part of a problem", Annegret #KrampKarrenbauer in the #Focal point of the ARD.

- Nina Barth (@ninabarth_hsb) February 10, 2020

AKK made it clear that it does not see itself under time pressure when it comes to finding a candidate for the Union chancellor. CSU chief Markus Söder had warned of a months-long personnel debate *. "There cannot be any personnel discussions now for three quarters of a year," said Söder at a reception by the state government in Nuremberg on Monday evening. "That paralyzes the political process," he warned.

Kramp-Karrenbauer said on ARD that the situation on Sunday had “changed relatively little”. “Because we also said there that we want to control this process into autumn and into winter. And the only difference was that I was still there as a candidate for the Chancellery. And now I have more freedom to control this process, so to speak. "

CDU quake: Talks about AKK succession in progress - Insider reveals internal favorites


Kramp-Karrenbauer announces resignation as CDU boss

© SvenSimon / Frank Hoermann / SVEN SIMON

When asked whether the AfD had brought her down with the state election in Thuringia, she said: "No, not at all. I am a party leader who is currently still in office. "

In her statement to the CDU Presidium, Kramp-Karrenbauer also referred to the events in Thuringia. According to participants, she complained that there was "an unsettled relationship between parts of the CDU with AfD and the left." In the evening, the CDU head of the ARD then emphasized that these were "individual voices", such as the "so-called union of values ​​*". For the majority of the CDU, it is very clear that "there is no wobbling to the right, no cooperation, no direct and no indirect".

I am afraid the ARD can now broadcast a focal point almost every evening ... # AKKRuecklassung

- Alexander Hinz (@hinz_ah) February 10, 2020

Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer retires: Secret Laschet-Spahn plan

Update from February 10, 7:27 p.m .: Is everything going really fast now? In the morning, AKK had announced their resignation as party chairman and their resignation from the chancellor's candidacy - and in the evening there should already be talks between a trio, one of whom is to succeed Kramp-Karrenbauer.

According to Focus Online, talks are currently underway in the CDU with the aim of appointing a clear successor to AKK: The trio is NRW Prime Minister Armin Laschet, Health Minister Jens Spahn and Friedrich Merz - one of the three should be the future Lead CDU.

Focus Online quotes an insider: "What is going on is too dangerous for the party, we have to keep the shop together." The CDU is very concerned about an erosion process.


The new strong men of the CDU? Laschet (center), Spahn (left) and Merz.

© picture alliance / dpa / Federico Gambarini

Accordingly, Laschet should lead the party in the future, Spahn would take the chair of the parliamentary group and Merz would have to “line up” - albeit with the prospect of an important ministerial office.

In the next few days, Kramp-Karrenbauer and CSU chairman Markus Söder should sit down and coordinate the further procedure. "Nobody believes that this process will actually take until December," continues a CDU strategist at Focus Online .

CDU quake: Laschet calls CDU for unity - is he aiming for the party leadership?

Update from February 10, 5.48 p.m .:

After Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer's announcement of withdrawal, North Rhine-Westphalia's Prime Minister Armin Laschet called on the CDU to close. The "cohesion of the Union" is the "first basis for successful elections and effective governance," said Laschet on Monday in Düsseldorf. Laschet warned that the CDU must take the entire “programmatic breadth” into account in the forthcoming realignment.

Together with the associations, the regional associations and the sister party CSU, a "convincing offer" must be developed in the coming months.

The CDU has been "a reliable anchor for a defensive democracy, a citizen-friendly policy, cosmopolitan attitudes and Germany's European orientation for decades," said Laschet. "It must and will remain so."

After the withdrawal of #krampkarrenbauer, there will be no shortage of applicants, says @TheoKoll about #akkrueckstieg #Laschet #Merz #Spahn

- ZDF today (@ZDFheute) February 10, 2020

The events in Thuringia would have stirred up a lot of people in our country, ”he continued. "Our democratic institutions now have to prove themselves in a special way, especially the parties of the democratic spectrum."

Laschet did not comment in the statement on the question of whether he would pursue Chancellor candidacy and party chairmanship after Kramp-Karrenbauer's withdrawal. The CDU generally expects Laschet to be interested in these positions. Other contenders are former Union faction leader Friedrich Merz and health minister Jens Spahn.

CDU quake: Are there already talks about AKK succession? Trio around Merz should agree

Update of February 10, 5:28 p.m .: The fact that Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer (CDU) does not want to run as Chancellor candidate is welcomed by a large majority of Germans (77 percent). This results from a flash survey of the RTL / ntv trend barometer. Accordingly, most of them now want Friedrich Merz as a Union candidate.

According to this, 27 percent of the respondents think Friedrich Merz is the most suitable. 18 percent put this trust in the NRW Prime Minister Armin Laschet .

The Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder , on the other hand, only has eleven percent, Health Minister Jens Spahn eight. Merz receives support from its own ranks and from the FDP camp, but most strongly from the AfD. For example, 35 percent of CDU voters, 38 percent of FDP voters and 39 percent of AfD voters spoke in favor of Merz.

Approval for Armin Laschet comes from the SPD (28 percent) and the Greens (27 percent). Markus Söder (CSU) can rely on support from Bavaria - there he gets 22 percent approval.

When it comes to AKK succession, current poll values ​​show a clear favorite among voters. "The CDU leader Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer is returning an office that she never really owned," said Georg Anastasiadis, editor-in-chief of Munich's Mercury *, in a comment on the AKK's resignation.

CDU quake: AKK declares its renunciation of chancellor candidacy - Merkel has only a few words left for it

Update from February 10, 4:23 p.m .: After Monday morning, only small pieces of information about Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer's resignation from the CDU presidium from the CDU presidium had been made public, the deputy CDU chairwoman Julia Klöckner is now speaking. "There was a moment's rest in the Presidium this morning," she replied to a request from .


Merkel and AKK

© dpa / Kay Nietfeld

The party leader is said to have confidently announced her decision. She had announced that she would "not run as Chancellor candidate and then no longer chair the party". The chairman thus created a “piece of freedom to organize the process of finding a candidate for the Chancellery independently and without ambiguity”.

Klöckner now sees the most important task in the search for a candidate for chancellor . The country had done well "with the policies of the Union, with moderation and moderation, with common sense", said Klöckner. Then, according to , she emphasizes once again the motto that Kramp-Karrenbauer had tried to shape before the Thuringia election: "For us it is and remains clear: No cooperation with the AfD, not even with the left."

Apparently the Thuringian CDU is not quite of the same opinion. Shortly after Kramp-Karrenbauer's shock message, the Thuringian CDU shook the incompatibility decision.

CDU quake: AKK declares waiver of chancellor candidacy - Merkel has only a few words left for it

Update of February 10, 4:05 p.m .: Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) thanks her party colleague Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer . In the press conference, Merkel speaks of her protégé only with her first name. Together with "Annegret" she wants to dedicate herself to the nomination of a candidate for chancellor of the Union. "I thank her for being ready to accompany the process of running for office as chancellor," said Merkel on the sidelines of a press conference with Hungarian President Viktor Orbán. Nevertheless, the Chancellor has been extremely short. Her statement was sober in Merkel's manner, but so short that disappointment can be heard.

Just like after the debacle in Thuringia, it is Chancellor Angela Merkel again who takes the lead in the CDU and finds the final words.

CDU quake: AKK declares its renunciation of chancellor candidacy - is Angela Merkel to blame?

Update of February 10, 2:27 p.m .: CDU leader Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer has described the separation of the chancellorship and party chairmanship as a weakening of the party. “We have to be strong - stronger than today. It is a task for all of us, ”but this task of overcoming the internal divisions is a special one for the party leadership, says Kramp-Karrenbauer. The chairman takes responsibility for the difficult situation in the CDU. At least it seems that way.

Nevertheless, the CDU chairperson does not primarily attribute her surprising waiver to her problematic term of office. Rather, Angela Merkel's resignation of the party chair had created an extraordinary situation in which the question of power had not been clearly resolved. Traditionally, it was better if party presidency and chancellor posts in the Union remained in one hand, said Kramp-Karrenbauer.


Kramp-Karrenbauer: renouncement of chancellor and CDU chair

© picture alliance / dpa / Kay Nietfeld

Like Angela Merkel , when she gave up party chairmanship, Kramp-Karrenbauer wants to play a pioneering role in the process of finding the party and a new candidate for chancellor in the coming months. For this, she remains chairperson for the time being.

Kramp-Karrenbauer assesses the impact of their waiver of the chancellor candidacy on the grand coalition as rather minor. "If I have my way, it has no effect on the stability of the grand coalition," said Kramp-Karrenbauer on Monday after consulting the top bodies of her party in Berlin. She pointed out that she was still party leader "and will remain so for the foreseeable future". She will work for the continuation of the coalition.

Kramp-Karrenbauer did not set an appointment for her resignation as CDU leader . First she wanted to steer the free program of a candidate for chancellor of the Union and recommended that the candidate then be given the party chairmanship. The separation of the CDU chairmanship and chancellery or chancellor candidacy had not proven successful.

CDU quake: AKK now announces its withdrawal in the livestream - is Angela Merkel to blame?

Update from February 10, 1:55 p.m .: Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer has announced that she will comment publicly on her surprising resignation. Even before she steps in front of the cameras, possible successors are presented. Old acquaintances vie for the chancellor's candidacy for the Union.

Update from February 10, 1:51 p.m .: After the announcement by CDU leader Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, a debate has flared up in the CDU board about the demarcation from the AfD and the Left Party. According to participants, CDU general secretary Paul Ziemiak reacted with harsh criticism on Monday to statements by Schleswig-Holstein's Prime Minister Daniel Günther (CDU), who at the weekend had declared tolerance of governments with the participation of the Left Party by the CDU possible. Ziemiak countered Günther that the CDU must be a "bulwark against the left and right," the party said.

The relationship to the right-wing conservative union of values ​​was also discussed in the Executive Board. Hesse's interior minister Peter Beuth (CDU) criticized the union of values ​​as "separatists and sectarians", participants said. Kramp-Karrenbauer had justified her withdrawal, among other things, by the fact that "there is an unsettled relationship between parts of the CDU with AfD and leftists".

The Union of Values sees itself as a “conservative grassroots movement in the CDU / CSU”. It argues that the CDU under Chancellor Angela Merkel and Kramp-Karrenbauer has moved too far to the left and must again take more conservative positions. It operates as a registered association and counts not on the official party structures, contrary to the CDU's resolution, the value union does not fundamentally exclude cooperation between the CDU and AfD.

The Union of Values ​​has been a thorn in the side of the CDU leadership for months. After the events surrounding the election of the prime minister in Thuringia, calls have been made in the CDU in recent days for the Federal Party to take a harder line against the Union of Values ​​- for example in the form of an incompatibility decision.


Kramp-Karrenbauer: renouncement of chancellor and CDU chair

© picture alliance / dpa / Michael Kappeler

CDU quake: AKK announces its withdrawal - crack goes through the party - Merkel reacts

Update of February 10, 11:54 a.m .: After the prime minister election in Thuringia , a rift within the CDU seems to be revealed, which was believed to be closed after CDU boss Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer asked the question of power in December. As soon as the party leader announces her resignation, the conservative union of values also announces itself. The chairman Alexander Mitsch welcomed the resignation of his party leader. "I find it very commendable that she is putting her own career plans on the back burner and not insisting on this candidacy for political reasons, but is paving the way for a solution that is promising for the Union," said Mitsch on Monday. The CDU now has the opportunity to reposition itself and integrate all trends.

"It would be important that the years-long left-wing course of the previous chairwoman Merkel is now corrected sustainably," said Mitsch, thereby confirming fears from the left, the SPD and the CDU: With Kramp-Karrenbauer's resignation, the CDU is in danger of experiencing a rightward shift.

Mitsch meanwhile urges a quick decision on the Chancellor question and brings Friedrich Merz (CDU) on the scene. Members should also be involved, for example through a member survey, or at least through introductory rounds of the candidates. "We believe that Friedrich Merz would be an excellent candidate for Chancellor," said Mitsch. He has great expertise, can give the Union a clear political profile and win back conservatives and business liberals.

The Union of Values ​​sees itself as representing the conservative current in the Union , but is not an official party structure . According to Mitsch, it has more than 4,000 members. Mitsch has been campaigning for a more conservative course in the CDU, for a renewal at the party leadership and Merz as candidate for chancellor. Recently, several CDU politicians had spoken in favor of pushing the Union of Values ​​out of the party with the votes of the AfD because of their support for the controversial election of Thuringian Prime Minister Thomas Kemmerich (FDP). The Vice-Chief of the Christian Democratic Workers' Union (CDA), Christian Bäumler, spoke of an "AfD auxiliary force in our ranks".

CDU quake: Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer announces radical withdrawal - Merkel reacts

Update from February 10, 11:39: The reactions are not long in coming. After the shock news from the CDU presidium about Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer's planned withdrawal from the party chair, her party colleague and arch-rival Friedrich Merz, so to speak, behaves remarkably calmly. Not so ex-vice chancellor and SPD boss Sigmar Gabriel . The future Deutsche Bank supervisory board member sees the CDU in a crisis that could lead to the end of the grand coalition. Kramp-Karrenbauer's withdrawal is “the logical consequence that she couldn't even prevail in the Thuringian CDU . No AKK representative jumped at her side. Merkel herself had to clarify the central questions of the Thuringia complex. "


Paul Ziemiak (from left), General Secretary of the CDU, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, Federal Chair of the CDU and Minister of Defense, and Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) sit next to each other during a meeting of the CDU Executive Board in the Konrad-Adenauer-Haus.

© dpa / Gregor Fischer

Gabriel continues: “We are witnessing the end of the second major People's Party in Germany: after the SPD, the CDU is also no longer able to keep the tension within its party. The wings drift apart too much. At the same time, the federal government has been paralyzed for the second time in a short time after the SPD candidate competition. I suspect it won't be long before there will be new elections. "

Update of February 10, 10.50 a.m .: CDU boss Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer throws in the towel. And that after only 14 months in office. During her entire, albeit short term, Kramp-Karrenbauer did not manage to establish herself as CDU chair. On the contrary: Your term in office is characterized by electoral slumps, polls and critical statements that provoked outrage among the population. The debacle over the Prime Minister election in Thuringia then revealed the extent of their loss of authority.

CDU quake after Thuringia disaster: Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer plans radical retreat - now Merkel reacts

Update of February 10, 10.12 a.m .: After the radical decision of CDU leader Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer not only not to run for the chancellor candidacy, but also to give up the party chairmanship, the party headquarters remains unusually quiet. Even more: a long silence begins. None of the party colleagues in the CDU presidium has yet thrown his hat into the ring.

The North Rhine-Westphalian Prime Minister and CDU Vice Armin Laschet , who has long been considered a possible candidate for Chancellor and leads the largest CDU state association, was not present. Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU), on the other hand, made a quick statement: she would like to keep Kramp-Karrenbauer in the office of Federal Minister of Defense.

Update from February 10, 9:39 am: CDU chief Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer has decided against running for office as chancellor and will also hand over the party chairmanship. Kramp-Karrenbauer announced this on Monday in the CDU Presidium, a CDU spokesman in Berlin said.

AKK: "Unclear relationship between parts of the CDU with AfD and leftists"

Kramp-Karrenbauer said in the CDU presidium that there was "an unexplained relationship between parts of the CDU with AfD and leftists". The CDU chairman alludes bluntly to the disastrous prime minister election in Thuringia *. She was strictly against cooperation with AfD and Linker *. Kramp-Karrenbauer had also formulated this attitude as a guideline for action to the CDU state representations. In the interests of the group, so to speak, the Thuringian CDU had voted for Thomas Kemmerich * (FDP) as Prime Minister last week so as not to support the leftist candidate, Bodo Ramelow *.

The difficult distribution of votes in Thuringia *, which allowed a maximum of one minority government *, escalated when the AfD under Björn Höcke voted for Kemmerich. Höcke declared himself kingmaker. This sparked outrage across the Republic.

Since the election in Thuringia strongly gave the impression that the AfD, CDU and FDP had been agreed, the CDU also had to face massive criticism. Before Kramp-Karrenbauer's radical decision, Thuringian CDU chief Mike Mohring * should step down - more or less voluntarily.

In addition, it is obvious that the party presidency and candidacy for chancellor belong in one hand.


CDU boss Kramp-Karrenbauer takes a radical farewell

© dpa / Michael Kappeler

In the summer, she said she would organize the process of running for office as chancellor , prepare the party for the future, and then hand over the party chairmanship. Kramp-Karrenbauer wanted to provide details at a press conference at noon.

After Thuringia disaster: AKK plans radical farewell - now Chancellor Angela Merkel is speaking

First report from February 10:

Berlin - The CDU chairwoman Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer does not want to become candidate for chancellor of the Union and give up the CDU chairmanship in the foreseeable future. She wanted "to organize the process of being chancellor in the summer, to prepare the party for the future and then to hand over the party chair", CDU circles said on Monday. Kramp-Karrenbauer said accordingly in the CDU Presidium.

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

nai / dpa / afp

List of rubric lists: © dpa / Kay N ietfeld

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