The Limited Times

Coronavirus, the Briton who has infected several compatriots has recovered

2/11/2020, 3:19:30 PM

The businessman had gone to Singapore. The "diffuser" has announced the healing but remains in the hospital as a precaution (ANSA)

He revealed his identity and announced through the media that the British citizen identified in recent days as a source of contagion from coronavirus for several compatriots has been cured. The man is called Steven Walsh and remains hospitalized for now - as his family remains in isolation - "as a precaution". But the news of the recovery has been confirmed to the health service (NHS). Various infections of British patients occurred in Haute-Savoie (France), where Welsh - back from Singapore - would have infected other tourists.

Trader resident in Hove, in English East Sussex, Steve Walsh appears to have contracted the coronavirus during the trip to Singapore and then infected 5 compatriots met in a French resort in Savoy during a subsequent holiday on the snow, as well as one in Mallorca, and others 5 on the return to Great Britain. None of the people in question is currently in serious condition, according to sources from NHS, the British National Health Service. In a statement released by Guy's Hospital in London, where the man is now completing his convalescence in quarantine, Walsh thanks NHS for the treatment received and adds, addressing the media: "I was advised to remain in isolation in hospital despite no longer have symptoms and then, for a period, in further self-isolation at home ". He ensures that he turned to the doctors and underwent isolation "as soon as he was informed of the diagnosis". He therefore confirms that the family is also in a state "in quarantine as a precaution" and asks "the media to respect our privacy now".