The Limited Times

Disgusting find at Rewe: Customer surprised by "special offer" in salad - company responds immediately

2/11/2020, 3:49:24 PM

When a Rewe customer opens a packaged salad after shopping, he makes a disgust find. The company responds to the clear photo.

When a Rewe customer opens a packaged salad after shopping, he makes a disgust find. The company responds to the clear photo.

  • Rewe customer makes a disgusting find after grocery shopping.
  • A packaged salad is home to an animal surprise.
  • Rewe responds to the Facebook complaint and agrees with the customer.

Hamburg - In France they are traditionally considered a delicacy, but in a German fruit and vegetable department they are rather out of place. A customer from Hamburg therefore contacted Rewe via Facebook when he had to find an animal in his packaged salad pack after grocery shopping. Immediately after opening the packaging, he saw that a small snail was sitting between the individual arugula leaves. This can also be seen in a photo that the man posted on Facebook.

So he wanted to know whether the salads at Rewe always come with a free snail on Facebook from the food chain - and promptly presented a photo of his animal find. "I don't think I saw this special offer," he adds.

Rewe: Man makes disgust - Fund reacts to Facebook complaint

The man from Hamburg did not have to wait long for a reaction from the company. Within an hour, the company reacted to the customer's photo, which shows the unpleasant discovery in the salad: "Of course, something like this should not happen," Rewe agrees with the snail finder and also explains in a Facebook comment under the photo: " We would like to forward the whole thing to our quality assurance department. Would you please send us the batch number and your email address in a private message? Then our colleagues will check your information and get in touch with you. "

Rewe: Snail found in salad - supermarket reacts

Unlike supermarket customers who complain to the respective company after finding disgust , there are also people for whom disgust food is art. In Nantes, France, a museum exhibits disgusting food so that visitors can marvel at it. Bat on lettuce, soup with sheep's eye or even baby mice soaked in wine are exhibited there for visitors.
