The Limited Times

He was shot in front of his daughter in a shopping mall to steal a chain: he is paraplegic

2/11/2020, 8:25:19 PM

Sebastián Domínguez, 35, was shot in the parking lot of the Soleil shopping. By the attack they look for a band that operates in shopping centers.

02/11/2020 - 17:00

  • Clarí
  • Police

A 35-year-old man was hospitalized and paraplegic on Tuesday after being shot in front of his 10-year-old daughter in the parking lot at the Soleil shopping mall in San Isidro's Buenos Aires, by a criminal who snatched a gold chain and fled in a car with two accomplices.

In the case, which was known in recent hours, there are no detainees and the main hypothesis of the investigators is that the perpetrators of the crime could be foreigners who make up a band that steals in shopping centers.

The incident occurred last Wednesday, around 20.20, in the parking lot of the aforementioned shopping center located at the junction of the Pan-American Highway and the road to Buen Ayre, in the town of Boulogne.

The victim, Sebastián Domínguez (35), who is in charge of a textile factory, is hospitalized in intensive care at the San Isidro Hospital, where he underwent surgery and is currently paraplegic , with no chest sensitivity down.

Dominguez had gone to the mall to buy a gift from his father and when he walked through the parking lot with his 10-year-old daughter he returned to his car, where his sister and another 4-year-old son were waiting for him, he was approached by a thief who took a gold chain and shot him.

“My 10 year old daughter saw everything. She told me that they were talking, that her father was happy and had been telling him how big he was, when he saw a man with a bad face in the hood of a car. This garbage hugged Sebastian from behind, tore off a gold chain and shot him, ”said Telam Johana, the victim's wife.

"When he saw the revolver, my baby ran out to ask for help from her aunt, Sebastian's sister, who was in the car, and called me desperately on my cell phone to let me know that the dad had been shot and was on the floor," The woman related.

Johana said that her husband later told her that when she felt the hug, "she thought it was a friend", but then she was told "stay still " and ripped off the chain.

“Everything went very fast, he had the reflex act of wanting to hit him, but he doesn't know if he got to give him the pineapple. He told me that he did not have time to get shot, that he is not sure if the one who shot him was that thief or another who was in the car, ”said Johana.

Dominguez told his wife that the man who attacked him was "morocho, about his age, that is to say about 35 years old, that he could be a foreigner and had a shiny ring in one ear."

On the state of health of her husband, the woman explained that "the bullet, which they said was 22 gauge, entered her right shoulder, passed her neck and was lodged in her left shoulder."

“Because of the shock wave, doctors told me that the bone marrow was affected . First he was quadriplegic, but after the operation there was an improvement and he began to move his arms. Now he's paraplegic, he doesn't feel anything from the chest down, ”Johana explained.

The case is investigated by prosecutor Sergio Szyldergemejn, of the Decentralized Functional Instruction Unit (UFI) of Boulogne, and by detectives of the local police station and the Departmental Delegation of Investigations (DDI) of San Isidro.

The investigations already made a first survey of the videos of the security cameras in the parking lot of the mall that captured the scene, although at a distance that does not allow to clearly see the faces of the suspects.

Investigators know that at least three were the criminals who later escaped in a Chevrolet Prisma-branded car: the direct attacker, an accomplice who was about to approach when the shot was made and the driver of the vehicle.

“We are trying to identify that car, but the videos are not of good quality. We also sent for the videos inside the mall to see if the victim was followed or 'marked' when he was making his purchase, ”a judicial source told Télam.

Johana said that apart from the chain that was taken from him, Dominguez also wore gold rings and bracelets that could have caught the attention of criminals.

The inquiries were trying to determine if this band committed other similar assaults in that area and other shopping centers.

Relatives and friends of Dominguez will make a march tomorrow at 18 to demand Justice and the clarification of the case at the door of the Soleil shopping, as announced by his wife.

Source: Télam