The Limited Times

Incidents and tension at the Caracas airport while waiting for Juan Guaidó to arrive

2/11/2020, 7:28:13 PM

Police blocked a caravan of opposing legislators who were to receive the opposition leader, who returns from his tour of Europe and the United States

02/11/2020 - 16:13

  • Clarí
  • World

Officials of the Bolivarian National Police (PNB), stopped on Tuesday a bus caravan that led the deputies of the National Assembly to the Simón Bolívar de Maiquetía international airport, on the outskirts of Caracas, on a tense day for the return of the opposition leader Juan Guaidó after his tour of Europe and the United States.

The arrested legislators were preparing to receive Guaidó, recognized as interim president of Venezuiela by more than 50 countries, who returned to the country after the tour that had begun on January 19 in Colombia.

The police said they were instructed to escort the deputies back to Caracas and prevent them from arriving at the airport.

Even so, a group of legislators challenged the security forces and were preparing to walk to the airport, despite attempts by the authorities to prevent them from passing.

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