The Limited Times

Juan Grabois, on political prisoners: "Lawfare existed, but also López's bags"

2/11/2020, 11:37:13 PM

The social leader said that "the priority is to discuss the socio-economic situation of those who are having a very bad time in Argentina and then we will have to address case by case."

02/11/2020 - 20:25

  • Clarí
  • Politics

Amid the crossings between national government officials themselves and referents of Kirchnerism because of the differences between “political prisoners” and “arbitrary detentions ,” social leader Juan Grabois avoided referring to the issue by remarking that “getting distracted by bolute semantic discussions is a fault of respect for those who are suffering in Argentina ”.

"I am very sorry if someone is offended by this, but now people are starving and it is not a priority to discuss the semantics of procedural law, whether it is arbitrary or political," he said in dialogue with El Destape Radio.

“I was a lawyer for Luis D'Elía, I was a complainant of Gerardo Morales for Milagro Sala and I accompanied Cristina to Comodoro Py. I am absolutely convinced that there was an imperial strategy, but right now what worries me is the eight kids who died (in Salta) and that my classmates don't have to eat, ”he added.

The referent of the CTEP reiterated that "at this time we must prioritize the socio-economic situation of those who are having a very bad time in Argentina and then we will have to attend case by case because the lawfare existed, but also the bags of (José) López" .

"Do not fuck me that today the priority is to discuss the procedural situation of some senior official of two previous administrations," said Grabois, who described as a " pelotudez " the possibility that President Alberto Fernández will promote a pardon.

On the other hand, when participating in an act of the Patria Grande Front in front of the National Congress to demand the creation of a commission to investigate the flight of capital, the social leader once again questioned the International Monetary Fund hard, assuring that it is a “ organism that does a lot of damage, especially to poor countries ”.

In addition, he supported the statements of Vice President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, who last Saturday from Cuba claimed that the agency removes a substantial debt. “The IMF violated its statute. It was verified and they did not cut the jet, in fact they increased it. Why can't they make a take away and make an extension of time? ", Hill.