The Limited Times

Macron's good intentions against disability

2/11/2020, 7:13:19 PM

Fifteen years after the Equal Opportunity Law, the problems remain. Several measures have been put forward.

How to simplify the life of the 12 million French people with disabilities? Schooling, access to rights or employment… Fifteen years to the day after the adoption of the law on “equal opportunities and rights, participation and citizenship for people with disabilities” , Emmanuel Macron did on Tuesday , a whole series of announcements - without however detailing their financing.

People with disabilities have the right to a life of dignity, a life of freedom, a life like others, among others

Emmanuel Macron

"What I would like to launch today is truly a call for national mobilization , " said the president, concluding the National Conference on Disability. Accompanied by his wife Brigitte, very involved in this file, he stressed that the government's policy was based on "a new philosophy" which considers people with disabilities "as full citizens" , who "have the right to a life of dignity, a life of freedom, a life like the others, in the midst of others ” .

Concrete measures

At the start of the new school year in September, he promised, "no more disabled children" will be left "without a schooling solution" . According to the Élysée Palace, "the number of children waiting for an accompanying person was halved between 2018 and 2019, from 15,000 to 8,000" . But "the real subject is that there is a lack of carers" to help these children at school: 11,500 additional support positions will be created by 2022, adding to the 66,000 planned at the end of the year .

Read also: Disabled at school: "National Education is making tailor-made"

The creation by next year of a single call number, 360, will allow families to get out of “wandering from counter to counter” . The departmental houses for the disabled (MDPH) will receive an additional 50 million euros over two years, which come in order to be able to respond more quickly to requests. The government also intends to combat forced departures to specialized establishments in Belgium: a thousand new places must be created in three priority regions (Île-de-France, Hauts-de-France, Grand Est), plus 2,500 solutions in establishments or in medico-social services throughout France. To strengthen access to daily services, "1000 accessibility ambassadors" , young people from the civic service, will travel the territories to educate merchants. On the employment front of the disabled, the government intends to focus on the development of apprenticeship.

Read also: Sophie Cluzel: "Our goal is to change the way recruiters look at disabilities"

Finally, the allowance for disabled adults (AAH), currently paid to 1.2 million people, will "never be transformed, diluted or eliminated" in favor of the future universal income from work (RUA), which must merge several allowances , assured Emmanuel Macron. As for the Secretary of State for People with Disabilities, Sophie Cluzel, she also reopened this weekend the sensitive debate on the use of sex assistants for people with disabilities: saying that "society has matured" on this subject, it referred to the National Consultative Ethics Committee (CCNE).

The results of the online citizen consultation

Last May, the Secretary of State launched, with the support of, a major online consultation on the question "How can society guarantee a real place for people with disabilities?" . The results were released to the public on Tuesday. First plebiscite, the proposals relating to support (promoting the status of carers, improving the conditions for the exercise of AVS or carers, creating more reception structures) emerge in front of the theme of employment (promoting training professional, adapt businesses) and that of representations associated with disabled people (better talk about invisible disabilities).

While this “mid-term milestone” was being held on Tuesday, families were demonstrating in around 40 cities across France under the slogan “A right is not a favor” . To demand in particular that the public authorities make “respect the laws already in force” .

See also - What to remember from Emmanuel Macron's announcements

Disability: what to remember from Emmanuel Macron's announcements - Watch on Figaro Live