The Limited Times

Made in Italy: PDL for ad hoc ministry

2/11/2020, 4:13:19 PM

Establish a Made in Italy ministry capable of supporting, protecting and promoting national excellence, small, medium and micro-enterprises which represent the backbone of the Italian economy. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - ROME, FEBRUARY 11 - Establishing a Made in Italy ministry capable of supporting, protecting and promoting national excellence, small, medium and micro enterprises which represent the backbone of the Italian economy. He asked for a bipartisan bill, promoted by the Aepi Confederation (European Association of Professionals and Businesses) presented today in Montecitorio by the group leader of Forza Italia, Mariastella Gelmini, the blue deputy Benedetta Fiorini, by Alessandro Colucci (Mixed group) and by the President of Aepi , Mino Dinoi.
The first signatories of the bill are MariastellaGelmini, Luca Lotti (Pd), Gian Marco Centinaio (Lega), CosimoFerri (Italia Viva), Fabio Rampelli (FdI) and Alessandro Colucci (Mixed). During the press conference Massimiliano De Toma (M5s) also spoke to thank the promoters of the initiative.