The Limited Times

Safer Internet Day, Italy tenth for online risks

2/11/2020, 5:46:53 PM

Microsoft search in 25 countries, fake newsesexting (ANSA)

Italy is in tenth place out of 25 for online risk exposure, first the United Kingdom, last South Africa. These are the results of the Microsoft Digital Civility Index which every year, on the occasion of the Internet Safer Day, analyzes the attitudes and perceptions of adolescents (13-17) and adults (18-74) with respect to digital civic education and security online in 25 countries, including our country.

According to the study, the web is perceived worldwide as a less civil and safe place than a year ago. In general, unwanted contacts, fake news and sexting (sending sexually explicit texts or images via the Internet or smartphone) are the most common risks encountered, respectively by 41%, 29% and 23% of Italian respondents.

Cyberbullying continues to make victims: 22% of respondents have been victims of online bullies. Online misconduct mainly concerns physical appearance (28%), sexual orientation (21%) and politics (21%). 67% of respondents also say they have experienced at least one major online risk repeatedly, 2 or more times. And 33% met the perpetrator personally.

Worldwide, however, in 30% of cases it is even friends and family. Damage to one's reputation (89%), harassment (87%), mistreatment (82%), micro-aggression (76%) and misogyny (73%) are the risks for which the victims experience more pain and discomfort. It emerges that 51% of teenagers turn to their parents for help (+ 7% compared to 2019).

The research also investigated globally what are the expectations regarding the future. Respect, security and freedom are the first three words that according to the interviewees will characterize online experiences in the next ten years. 50% hope that technology companies and social media will introduce new policies and create tools to promote more civilized and respectful online behavior and punish incorrect conduct.

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