The Limited Times

Separation shock at the Royals: divorce in the royal family is official - "devastated"

2/11/2020, 9:55:13 PM

Again negative headlines from the British royal house: A grandson of the Queen divorces - is his wife going to Canada now like Harry and Meghan?

Again negative headlines from the British royal house: A grandson of the Queen divorces - is his wife going to Canada now like Harry and Meghan?

  • The Queen's oldest grandson is getting a divorce
  • Peter Phillips and Ms. Autumn split up after twelve years
  • Is she going to Canada now like Duchess Meghan and Prince Harry ?

London - It is truly not an easy time for Queen Elizabeth II (93). After all the unrest surrounding the royal retreat of Prince Harry (35) and Duchess Meghan (38), the next bad news now follows: Peter Phillips (42), the oldest grandson of the British Queen, and his wife Autumn (41) have split up , Autumn is said to have initiated the separation - does she want to emigrate to Canada now like Meghan and Harry?

Queen's grandson announces separation - he is "devastated"

Peter Phillips and his wife Autumn, a Canadian by birth, were a couple for twelve years. A joint statement states that the Queen and other family members were informed about the separation at the end of last year. The separation is "sad, but amicable," as the two say.

But apparently that's not quite true, as the British newspaper The Sun reports. Accordingly, an insider blabbered that it was Autumn who wanted the separation. " Peter is devastated and did not see the separation coming" And further: " He thought he was happily married and had the perfect family."

After divorce: does the ex-wife want to go to Canada like Meghan and Harry?

Mutual friends of the couple now fear that Autumn will return to their home Canada after the divorce - and that Duchess Meghan * and Prince Harry could follow . They suspect that Harry and Meghan's withdrawal from royal life may have been the deciding factor in their decision.


The world was still in order: Queen grandson Peter Phillips and Mrs. Autumn at their wedding.

© dpa / Ian Mcilgorm

However, the joint statement now suggests that Peter and Autumn Phillips want to take care of their two daughters Savannah (9) and Isla (7) together - at home in Gloucestershire, England. The Queen is "very sad" about the marriage of her grandson , as palace insiders say. Peter Phillips is the Queen's first grandson to divorce. And Autumn Phillips is one of the favorites of the 93-year-old monarch.

Queen's grandson: Not the first time in the headlines

The Windsors and the negative headlines - it just doesn't want to tear off. Duchess Meghan and Harry * turned their backs on the royal family, Prince Andrew (59) is ankle-deep in the sex scandal surrounding the dead US millionaire Jeffrey Epstein. In January there was also a separation in the Swedish royal family.


* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editorial network

Rubric list image: © dpa / Aaron Chown

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