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The danger: Olmert's connection to Gantz | Israel today

2/11/2020, 10:34:19 PM


While Ehud Olmert is having an affair in front of the cameras with Abu Mazen, it is scary to remember that the person closest to him is Yoram Turbovich - who pulls on Gantz's strings • Commentary

There was one person at the end of the joint appearance of Olmert and Abu Mazen, who received special treatment from Abu Mazen. If I correctly identified it is Jeremy Ben Ami, the head of the J Street organization. Abu Mazen kissed him on both cheeks. It wasn't just a dry courtesy gesture. They seemed to be partners in the struggle.

Photo: Reuters

Olmert is a J Street guest in the US. The organization is committed to every anti-Israel campaign and certainly represents an important element of the Palestinian Authority propaganda in the US. Olmert denied that he was recruited in the United States for the PA's propaganda, which he repeatedly referred to as "the president," but in fact he certainly stood by him while pointing out that the Israeli side was not his spirit.

More on:

• Olmert in a joint statement with Abu Mazen: "He is a man of peace"

• "The Century Deal is an American-Israeli Plan to End Palestine"

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"Abbas is the only partner," he said. "He is a man of peace. Resists terror." An IP reporter challenged him when she mentioned that Abu Mazen had earlier announced to the United Nations that he did not sit with the US as a mediator but only international quartet mediation. "I do not agree with any of his positions," Olmert said.

Ultimately, there were three dimensions to this embrace that Olmert gave Abu Mazen. The political dimension is intended to purify him of all guilt and responsibility. Olmert evaded the question, who was responsible for stopping the negotiations and continued to sell the legend that at the time we were as close as possible to the agreement.

This is despite the fact that despite two years of negotiations, and despite all the crazy concessions, Israel has not come closer to peace than any other deal, because the very negotiations are a tool in their struggle. The fact is that they managed to recruit Olmert through the same futile negotiations.

The second dimension, and Olmert's most important aspect, is that he suddenly has an interest in him and he gets headlines and performances in prime time. Yesterday he had at least two interviews. The third dimension, according to veteran commentators who are very familiar with the Palestinian side, is the business dimension. Abu Mazen and Olmert are really partners. But not for peace but for business. During his time, Lightning flashbacks were transmitted to Palestinian businessman Monib al-Masri. Somehow, Abu Mazen's son had to be compensated in the Palestinian cellular market. The Israeli side, in a certain composition, made sure to transmit frequency packages from the IDF in favor of Abu Mazen's son's company.

The main problem now is that the closest person to Olmert, Yoram Turbovich, is the manager of Benny Gantz. Olmert himself has been close to Yair Lapid for years. Lieberman brings Martin Schlaf's dowry with him. The very high profile that Olmert suddenly perceives is a reminder of the security and moral collapse of the political and security that preceded the Netanyahu era.

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