The Limited Times

The right and ecology: the sources of a green conservatism

2/11/2020, 7:13:24 PM

INVESTIGATION - The unprecedented alliance in Austria between the Greens and the conservatives raises the question of the relationship that the right maintains with ecology. If this is sometimes tempted by the most skeptical speeches vis-à-vis the climate, it also has all the intellectual resources to think of a theme today preempted by cultural leftism.

The unprecedented alliance in Austria between the Greens and the conservatives raises the question of the relationship that the right maintains with ecology. If this is sometimes tempted by the most skeptical speeches vis-à-vis the climate, it also has all the intellectual resources to think of a theme today preempted by cultural leftism.

It is entirely possible to protect the climate and the borders, "proclaimed young Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (33) on January 7 when he announced an unprecedented coalition between his conservative party and the environmentalist party. " We are going to reconcile the best of both worlds, " he promised. On the program of this unprecedented blue-green coalition: a super-ministry of the Environment, a greening of the tax system, but also the rejection of the European mechanism for the distribution of migrants rescued in the Mediterranean and the ban on the veil for those under 14 years of age at school. If in Germany the question of a coalition between

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