The Limited Times

"Case number XY": man is brutally beaten up in Munich Park - calls for TV broadcast

2/12/2020, 8:52:37 PM

The new episode of "Case number XY ... unresolved" on ZDF is about a case that happened in Munich. A man was brutally beaten.

The new episode of "Case number XY ... unresolved" on ZDF is about a case that happened in Munich. A man was brutally beaten.

  • In June 2019, a man in a Munich park was brutally beaten.
  • The deed was observed by many people - but nobody helped him.
  • The case was reopened on Wednesday evening (8:15 p.m.) in the ZDF program "File number XY ... unresolved" .

Update 9.45 p.m .: The final query can only confirm high interest in the case. However, there is still no relevant information that can help to clarify the fact . The criminal police emphasize that callers are not required to give their names. Anonymous information is also of great importance.

Update 21.06: After the case was rolled up at the beginning of the program "Case number XY ", Stefan Suess from the Munich criminal police reports live in the program that "busy traffic" had already taken place. Unfortunately, there was still no call to bring specific information about the case. One continues to hope for relevant testimony .

Terrible attack in Munich: Case rolled up in "Case number XY"

Update 8:27 p.m .: After the case in the program "Case number XY ... unresolved " was rolled out at 8:15 p.m., Stefan Suss from the Munich criminal police is now informing about the crime. Witnesses who helped the victim at times but did not call the police are particularly important to clarify the case.
It is particularly about two people. A Polish man had given the victim first aid over a long period of time - so it is a construction worker who works in Munich . A second person, presumably German citizenship, had also helped the victim but did not alert the police.
The Munich criminal police now asks all people who can provide relevant information about the brutal case to report immediately.

First report from February 12, 2020

Munich - A then 43-year-old man was walking near a park in the Chiemgaustrasse / Frauenchiemseestraße / Hohenaschauer Straße / Rosenheimer Straße area. He was approached by three men and asked for a cigarette, but could not offer any. This subsequently led to his doom.

Brutal attack in Munich's park: Case will be an issue on ZDF for "Xten"

Because the men beat the man brutally and kicked his head in the head, as * reported at the time. It was a miracle that the victim survived the brutal attack . Because according to the subsequent legal medical report, he was hit on the head up to twelve times. The man still went through the park, badly injured , and was found near his apartment a little later.

Now, the case in June 2019's TV show is "file number XY ... unsolved" theme again. Because the perpetrators, who probably had an African appearance and were around 25 years old, have not yet been caught. Witnesses continue to be sought for whom a reward is pending if the case is clarified with their help.

"Case number XY ... unresolved" is looking for witnesses of the brutal attack in Munich Park

As reported by * , the victim was wearing a gray T-shirt (with black lettering "Rocky" and a yellow Rocky Balboa figure), blue knee-length summer trousers and flip-flops at the time of the crime . During the act, a dog owner is said to have shouted at the perpetrators to stop or that she would call the police . Then he was briefly helped by an unknown Poland .

Tonight all again to the devices #aktenzeichenxy # civil liability

- Toni Disco (@ToniDisco) February 12, 2020

"Case number XY ... unresolved" is now looking for the above-mentioned witnesses. The program that reopens the case can be seen on Wednesday (February 12th) at 8.15 p.m. on ZDF .

In the video: "Case number XY ... unresolved" shows an image of a corpse - viewers indignant

In order to clarify the identity of a dead man, the ZDF program "Aktenzeichen XY" actually wanted to show the image of a body. Now the broadcast has probably been postponed.

At “Aktenzeichen XY”, ZDF and presenter Rudi Cerne presented a cold case from Hamburg. Even retired investigators came forward.

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

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