The Limited Times

Aurélien Taché (LREM) pleads for more "internal democracy"

2/12/2020, 7:43:25 PM

Guest of "Talk Le Figaro" on Wednesday, the member for Val-d'Oise reaffirms his support for Emmanuel Macron.

"It was family friendly! Said the LREM deputy from Val-d'Oise to "Talk Le Figaro" on Wednesday. The day after the meeting at the Élysée between the head of state and the deputies of the majority, Aurélien Taché said he was "proud to have tried to build something other than those which failed before us", echoing Emmanuel Macron's phrase for his deputies: “Be proud to be amateurs . » Message received. "We must be united behind him", insists Taché recalling that "Emmanuel Macron and LREM were born from the total bankruptcy of the big traditional political parties".

Read also: Aurélien Taché: "I am worried about the situation in Val d'Oise"

Not without irony, the tenant of the Élysée Palace also asked his majority not to repeat the errors of the previous five-year term, which fell apart through individual initiatives. Rather funny, with regard to the initiatives of the latter under the Holland five-year term. "I do not believe that Emmanuel Macron said he was not going to represent himself," tries to justify Taché, adding that, " without repeating history " Emmanuel Macron in his time "waited to see what François Hollande was going to do ". Without speaking of individual initiatives, the elected member of Val-d'Oise thinks on the other hand "that making different sensitivities heard within this majority is something that can be useful", without however "building chapels to divide ”.

The absence of internal debate cannot in the long term lead to the sustainability of a political formation

Aurélien Taché

The idea is to "continue to widen the majority and to carry slightly different proposals," he continues. If inside the majority group there is indeed a left leg and a right leg, Taché is formal: “I am a man of the left and I support Emmanuel Macron . They won't make me deny that, ”he says. However, he does not adhere to the leftist pole of the majority initiated by Jean-Yves Le Drian, which consists rather in recreating a club of "socio-democrats", initiative which he respects but which does not correspond to his history . Are there strong frictions within the LREM group? What about relations with the president? If he kicks in touch on the strained relations between elected officials and the head of state, Taché advocates for more democracy in the movement. “The absence of internal debate cannot in the long term lead to the sustainability of a political formation . It could put us at risk, ” he concludes. The deputy therefore proposes to set up lists of different sensitivities in the local political committees of LREM, by sanctioning the substantive debate by a vote.