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Cycling: Nogent reveals itself

2/12/2020, 3:31:25 PM

The CC Nogent-sur-Oise performs its first race of the year on February 15 at Brignoles in the Var. The sports director presents the new

Here we go again. The CC Nogent-sur-Oise opens its season this Saturday in Brignoles, during the Tour du Center-Var (all categories). Before this race, Nicolas Louis, the sports director makes the presentations.

Kévin Avoine (22) : “For his second season at the club, he must learn to channel himself. His first season was spoiled by falls, but the potential is there, he must seek results. "

Romain Bacon (29) : “This is the team's asset. We hope for a return as good as since the summer of 2017. He brings his wisdom, never panics and guides the youngest. A safe bet. "

Alexandre Delétang (26) : “She is a recruit (ex-Creuse-Oxygène, DN 1) with great potential. Big wheeler and versatile, he is able to go fast and win on all terrains. "

Etienne Delimauges (18) : “It is a junior leaving the club who will discover the level. For him, it is above all a year of learning. He will start in 2nd category. "

Maxime Eloy (20) : “A recruit (ex-CC Villeneuve-Saint-Germain, DN 1). Third year Hope, he can start to seek results. Intelligent and determined, he sees the races well. "

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Damien Girard (18) : Our second outgoing junior (ex-CM Aubervilliers 93 junior). He too is there to find out, but remains ambitious. It is also a character to channel. "

Sébastien Havot (23) : “He is consistent, able to win big races. He can still pass a big course, provided he has the click. His goal is to get over it, it can be his year. "

Killyan Houcke (21) : “A recruit (ex-Dunkirk Littoral cyclisme, DN 2) who needed a change of air. Passe-partout, hard-pressed and very kind, it will be a transition season for him. "

Erwann Kerraud (20) : “His return to school is set for April. A sprinter, he still doesn't drive enough and was not with us during the course. He opted to ensure his rear professionally speaking. "

Julian Lino (24) : “A heavy roller who needed to leave his comfort zone (ex-UC Nantes Atlantique, DN 1). Friend with Romain Bacon, he too is a specialist in time. "

Conn McDunphy (23) : “He had a big end to the season last year. It took him time to adapt to French life and racing, but he approaches the season as he finished the previous one: tough. "

Vincent Pastot (21) : “Always Hope, it is becoming more and more everywhere. With big ambitions, he knows how to place himself and has this altruistic side when he rolls for the team. "

Arnaud Pfrimmer (23) : “The same profile as Sébastien Havot. It is largely Elite level, but it lacks a big result to stand out. He is able to have a lot of punch. "

Killian Théot (20) : “A good pick. He never forced talent. It is really invigorating, it is the ultimate puncher. He will have to learn to do a full season. "