The Limited Times

FIFA: Five European countries are responsible for most of the players ’spending

2/12/2020, 2:46:19 PM

Zurich-Sana announced the FIFA


FIFA announced that the clubs of England, Spain, Germany, Italy and France are responsible for more than 70 percent of the money spent around the world during the transfer window last January.

Reuters quoted FIFA as saying in a statement today that the transfer window was open in 170 countries around the world and 4108 international deals were concluded, and although only 14.1 percent of the total number of transfers were for the five major league clubs, the costs incurred represented 71.8 percent of the money spent on the world.

The statement pointed out that clubs in England spent 298.2 million dollars in transfers, which is the highest number in the world, followed by Germany, which spent 206.1 million dollars and Italy 126.7 million dollars.

In total, the top five leagues have spent 824.6 million dollars on January transfers, which is just less than January 2018 when 1.1 billion dollars were spent.