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Sexual violence in football: the testimony of the "hero" of Bussy-Saint-Georges

2/12/2020, 6:04:13 PM

In May 2012, the educator, then 24, was the first to report the actions of Ahmed G., a convicted trainer and recruiter.

The president of Bussy-Saint-Georges (Seine-et-Marne), Laurent Sabotier, speaks of him as "of a hero". Wissam (his first name has been changed), a former educator at the club, was the first to report the actions of Ahmed G., a former trainer and recruiter convicted of pedophilia against young footballers.

Charged in February 2016 "for corruption of a 15-year-old minor, sexual proposals made to a 15-year-old minor, sexual assault and rape of a 15-year-old minor or even rape committed by a person abusing the authority conferred on him by his function ”, Ahmed G. had been incarcerated before leaving prison.

He then violated his judicial control before being placed in detention again on February 9, 2019. The day after our revelations on a case for which a judicial source evokes “a plurality of victims”, Wissam, 32 years old today, tells us about the actions of the sexual predator.

Do you understand that the Bussy-Saint-Georges club speaks of you as a hero?

WISSAM. No, I'm just the first to have taken steps to denounce what had happened during this famous tournament, in Leers (North). We were gone 3 or 4 days and at the end of the second, a kid came to see me saying that he had something important to tell me about Ahmed. At the start, he only wanted to speak when he returned to the Paris region. I worked on it a bit and finally in the evening, he came back and explained everything to me in detail. He had discovered "very special" texts sent to other players, who had gone to Guingamp (Côtes-d'Armor) for testing. It was written: I miss you, I want to make love to you… It was rather direct!

Who did you tell the parents about it then?

Not to the parents, but directly to the president and we caused a meeting with Ahmed on the return to Paris. We wanted to know his position on these texts, but he denied it and remained completely on the defensive. In the process, I went to make a report to the prosecution of miners in Meaux. And the president fired him.

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And four years later, you are again heard by the courts ...

Yes, I was summoned to the juvenile brigade in Paris. She had arrested him. They were summoning me because I had been the only one to have reported on him so far. I was rather surprised but the investigator told me that Meaux had not done the job until the end. It's really a shame because if the case had been pushed further at the time, if I had been contacted, the president too, maybe other children would have been spared…

He did rebound elsewhere in other clubs, in Perreux or Villiers-sur-Marne, after the texting affair. How did you experience it?

It must be understood that in Bussy, he held the whole club. He was not just an educator, but also a technical director. After this story, many kids left, he was poaching from us. I stayed two or three years to stabilize the club and I left. It disgusted me with the environment. From there, when I saw young people surrounded by adults, I became paranoid. I didn't think it existed in football. Especially since our young people, for the most part, they come from neighborhoods, and basically it does not exist with us.

What relationship did you have with Ahmed G.?

I was his right arm, it was he who debauched me in a club nearby, Roissy-en-Brie. He had given me carte blanche, I also had a lot of youth teams.

During this period, did you not detect bizarre behavior in him?

Afterwards, I understood quite a few things. For example: why he loved celebrating victories in restaurants so late in the weekend. Or why he was so anxious to organize pizza-console evenings at his home, in the evening, after training. Around 10 p.m., I said to the kids: come on, it's late, we're going back And he always insisted that the young people stay.