The Limited Times

"When a new cash register opens" - Aldi makes fun of his own customers

2/13/2020, 8:32:40 PM

They dare something! Aldi is joking with his customers on Facebook. Many find it funny - but far from everyone.

They dare something! Aldi is joking with his customers on Facebook. Many find it funny - but far from everyone.

  • Aldi made fun of his customers on Facebook.
  • It is about a behavior that they apparently display when paying.
  • Facebook users , however, find the post roaring.

Munich - Grocery chains like Aldi *, Rewe and Co are all now also represented on social networks. There, they inform subscribers about new offers, but also enter into direct exchanges with users via comment functions. Aldi Süd * showed this week, however, that content from food chains on portals like Facebook can also be fun - the discounter allowed himself to have fun with his customers .

Aldi divides customers at the checkout into a joke diagram

Aldi * posted a colorful diagram on the social media platform: The Y axis showed the speed in kilometers per hour, the X axis listed from left to right - "Peregrine Falcon", "Learjet", "Customer, when a new cash register opens ". While the peregrine falcon bar only rises discreetly, the Learjet does not even reach half of the Y-axis. The bar of the "customer when a new cash register opens", however, shoots almost to the upper end of the scale. The discounter writes cheekily: "Peregrine falcons reach a top speed of up to 390km / h. Customers are only faster when a new cash register is opened. " Behind it also three emojis complete the contribution: a running person, a Venus symbol and a whirled up dust cloud. From this it can be concluded that Aldi alludes to female customers in the post.

Video: Aldi - from mom and pop shop to international group

Aldi customers demonstrate self-irony - and laugh at the joke

Over half of the users who left a reaction to the Facebook post there chose "haha" - in the form of a laughing emojis. Some were so amused that he added something funny to the Facebook post himself. For example, a Facebook user wrote: "You can only recognize a person's true character when the second checkout is opened at the supermarket." She added a GIF that shows a frantic woman with a shopping cart.


© Facebook

Another customer, on the other hand, quipped: "Feel like Jumanji when a herd of wild animals trample past you!" Again Aldi reacted with a GIF that Robin Williams shows in his role as Alan Parrish, who opens his mouth to a scream of horror ,

Shortly before Valentine's Day, Aldi and Lidl also had a violent exchange of blows on the net.

Some Aldi customers can't laugh about it: "So bad mail!"

Nevertheless, there were also Facebook users who could not laugh at Aldi's joke. One of them wrote: “Does Aldi have too many customers or why are you putting in such an evil post here? Lidl, Netto, Rewe etc. are definitely looking forward to welcoming former Aldi customers. "


For the first time, Aldi Süd is selling beer in reusable bottles. Several branches are part of the experiment.

Greenpeace also publishes the unpleasant results of a query with the major food retailers. According to the NGO, supermarkets and discounters are part of the problem. In the future, a popular Aldi product will also be available with a reusable alternative to the packaging - the discounter is thereby promoting a better environment.



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