The Limited Times

April fools in the office: How to send your colleagues into April without exaggerating

2/13/2020, 3:07:27 PM

How can you send your colleagues to April without getting into trouble? You can find inspiration for harmless and at the same time hilarious jokes here.

How can you send your colleagues to April without getting into trouble? You can find inspiration for harmless and at the same time hilarious jokes here.

  • Jokes on April 1st shouldn't go too far, especially at work.
  • Anyone who "literally" jokes off with colleagues or superiors could still feel the consequences days later.
  • But which pranks are funny and don't go too far at the same time?

On April 1st it is time again: be suspicious and do not believe everything that is told to you. On this day, good faith could doom you. This also applies in the office , where everything should normally run properly. However, if you are a joker yourself, you may need some inspiration to be able to send your colleagues properly in April.

That should always be funny, but also not exceed certain limits. Here are some ideas for harmless but hilarious April fools :

April 1st joke: The printer only reacts to voice recognition

A little bit of fun must also be at work. Anyone who shares this opinion will not be afraid to play tricks on colleagues * and maybe their superiors * on April 1st . A brilliant joke idea , for example, was shared by a Twitter user: she published a picture of the printer in her company on which a note was attached. This says that the device would now respond to voice recognition after the maintenance by the technician. You would simply have to say the password, the number of prints and "Start" out loud and the printing process begins.

The front office has jokes #aprilfools

- Rachel K. Rhodes (@rachelkrhodes) April 1, 2014

Would certainly be worth a try in your own company.

April 2nd joke: spider on the desk

Rubber insects on the desk are of course a way to frighten colleagues. But it is also much easier : Just get a plastic cup and put it upside down on the colleague's workplace. When he or she comes back, tell the employee that there is a giant spider under the cup that you just caught. The idea alone is enough to drive many crazy, an Instagram user states:

Check out this post on Instagram

#tbt to when I did a simple, but cruel joke to my co-worker. I'm just now realizing I may be the reason she left ... oops. : p #officeprank #scaredofspiders #donotmove #loveyoumeanit

A post shared by Devan Alyse (@devanalyse) on Apr 27, 2017 at 8:41 am PDT

Also read : Annoying employees - With this method you get used to the worst colleagues.

April 3rd joke: Call from Mr. Behr

This joke is already a classic, but it always works: Put a note on your colleague's desk with the note that a Mr. Behr is asking for a call back. Below that, enter the number of the municipal zoo . Zoo staff may then ask the operator whether the call is for the white or brown bear.

April 4th joke: is this really chocolate?

With this less innocent joke, make sure your peers understand. It works very simply: cover some cloves of garlic with chocolate before April 1st. Then take the small snacks to work to offer them to your colleagues. The effect is particularly "funny" if your victims have important meetings on the same day.

The April Fool's classics

Before April 1st you can of course also look around for the classic joke articles . These include devices that emit mosquito noises, whoopee cushions or plastic milk stains that can be placed on colleagues' desks.

Other typical April fools are scary images in the lid of the scanner, swapping the letter keys on the keyboard or a post-it over the red light of the mouse so that it no longer reacts.

Video: Elon Musk's April Fool's Day backfires

Also interesting : You will certainly do it too - If you behave like this in the office, colleagues will disregard you.

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* is part of the nationwide central Ippen editorial network.


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