The Limited Times

Bloomberg: Trump is incompetent and Americans laugh at him

2/13/2020, 9:20:40 PM

Washington - SANA: US billionaire Michael Bloomberg described his bid to be the Democratic nominee for the elections


American billionaire Michael Bloomberg, who seeks to be the Democratic nominee for the presidential elections, described US President Donald Trump as inefficient, noting that Americans ridicule him and describe him as a "crazy carnival clown".

"We share the knowledge of a lot of people in New York ... They make fun of you in your absence and call you the crazy carnival clown ... They know you squandered the wealth you inherited in stupid deals and because of the inefficiency," Bloomberg quoted him as saying to Trump.

"I have the experience and resources to defeat you ... and I'll defeat you," added Bloomberg, vowing to defeat Trump in the election.

For his part, Trump replied, describing Bloomberg in a tweet that "he is a loser who has money but he is not fluent in debate and has no presence."

This comes with the rise of Bloomberg star in polls after he broke all records of presidential campaigns, spending more than 260 million dollars.

Bloomberg is ranked third among the number of national opinion polls among Democratic primary candidates behind Senator Bernie Sanders and former Vice President Joe Biden, but he chose not to participate in the first four rounds of Democratic primary elections that produce a small number of delegates who will participate in the conference. Held in July to choose the party's candidate.

Bloomberg is currently focusing on 14 states that will vote on "Big Tuesday" on March 3, including Texas and California, which elect the largest number of delegates.