The Limited Times

Coldiretti, no European tax on meat from 9 out of 10 Italians

2/13/2020, 4:44:58 PM

No tax on meat from 9 out of 10 Italians (91%) who continue to eat it despite fake news, unfounded alarms, provocations and defamatory campaigns. This is what Coldiretti says on the basis of Eurispes data on the proposal of a group of animal rights activists, supported by European parliamentarians, "to steal beef, pork and chicken with a new 25% tax" (ANSA)

No to the tax on meat from 9 out of 10 Italians (91%) who continue to eat it despite fake news, unfounded alarms, provocations and defamatory campaigns. This is what Coldiretti says on the basis of Eurispes data on the proposal by a group of animal rights activists, supported by European parliamentarians, "to steal beef, pork and chicken with a new 25% tax which, once it comes into operation in 2030, it would take € 32 billion a year out of the pockets of European consumers to finance the Green deal. "

"There is no study that - underlines Coldiretti - proves that eating meat even in the right quantities is harmful to health while on the contrary, the benefits of a complete diet that includes it are scientifically undisputed.

However, with 18% of Italians bringing less than 100 grams per week to the table, 45% from 100 to 200 grams and 24% between 200 and 400 grams, according to the Coldiretti / Ixè survey, nationally meat consumption is balanced and well below the limit of 500 grams per week recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO).

"And 45% of Italians - highlights Coldiretti - in fact favor meat from tricolor farms, 29% choose local meats and 20% those with the PDO, PGI or other certifications of origin". "Choosing Made in Italy meat - concludes the president of Coldiretti Ettore Prandini - also means supporting a system made of animals, forage meadows and above all people committed to fighting depopulation and environmental degradation often for entire generations, even in areas difficult. "(ANSA).