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Congress approved a law restricting Trump's authority to start a war with Iran - Walla! news

2/13/2020, 7:23:46 PM

A majority of 51 senators, some Republicans, approved a proposal that would require the U.S. to withdraw forces from hostile areas unless Congress declared war or authorized the president to take specific action….

Congress approved a law restricting Trump's authority to start a war with Iran

A majority of 51 senators, some Republicans, approved a proposal that would require the US to withdraw forces from hostile areas unless Congress declared war or authorized the president to take specific action.

Congress approved a law restricting Trump's authority to start a war with Iran

Edit: Lear Spiegeler

The Senate on Thursday approved a law restricting U.S. President Donald Trump's authority to start a war with Iran. The legislation was approved in light of the elimination of Qods Force commander Qassem Suleimani in a U.S. attack, which sparked a fear of widespread regional conflict. Still, Trump is expected to veto the law, which has been supported by some Republican congressmen.

The Senate passed the bill with a majority of 51 supporters versus 44 opponents. It will require Trump to withdraw U.S. forces involved in hostile activity against Iran, unless Congress declares war, or gives specific authority to use military force.

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Trump (Photo: Reuters)

US President Donald Trump, February 6, 2020 (Photo: Reuters)