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Enrique Iglesias and Anna Kournikova present their third baby on Instagram

2/13/2020, 7:11:40 PM

Singer Enrique Iglesias and his partner, former artist Anna Kournikova, welcomed a new family member.

Enrique Iglesias and Anna Kournikova are happy with the birth of their third child, and they made it known through a photograph posted on Instagram.

It was the singer himself who a few minutes ago published an image on social networks, where he appears carrying the newborn baby, while he still wears the clothing of the operating room.

Although the snapshot has just been shared, apparently the new member of the family was born on January 30, because next to the photo appears that date and the phrase "My sunbeam."

On the other hand, Anna also expressed her happiness for this birth, publishing another image in which she appears carrying her baby while she smiles.

Like her partner, the extenist accompanied the snapshot with the same date and phrase, and congratulations on Instagram did not wait for her followers.

But that was not the only photo that Kournikova shared, because minutes later he published another even more tender image, in which the two proud parents and their newborn baby appear.

In this post , the interpreter appears in the operating room giving a kiss on the forehead of his beloved while hugging her and her baby.

What was initially handled as a rumor, was later confirmed and is now a reality. Singer Enrique Iglesias and his partner, formerist Anna Kournikova , had their third child.

In this way, the family of the Spanish singer welcomed a new member, which is made up of the famous parents and twins Lucy and Nicholas , who were born in 2017.

The news comes weeks after the pregnancy of the Russian athlete was confirmed, because although both try to keep their personal life away from the media, the sweet wait became evident and the program "Drop the Soup", which is transmitted by Telemundo , was the first to confirm the suspicions.

As with the first pregnancy, Enrique Iglesias and Kournikova kept the arrival of the new baby secret, which is why several versions were handled regarding this news.

One of them was broadcast by the singer's own older brother, Julio José Iglesias , who had confirmed during an interview with the Chilean radio station ADN that he was already an uncle again, although he did not go into details.

After the birth of the twins, there was speculation that the couple would have used a rental belly. However, Kournikova herself denied the version and did it in a very discreet way, because although she tries to take her life privately, she uploaded a photo in which her pregnancy was warned.

The truth is that since December 2017 they became parents, Enrique has shown his most tender facet through social networks, because on more than one occasion he has shared images of tender moments he enjoys next to his children.

One of these posts , published a few weeks ago, managed to melt the hearts of its millions of followers, as well as some celebrity interpreter friends, such as Thalia or Giselle Blondet .

"Please, no more kisses," Iglesias wrote next to a snapshot in which he appears swimming with one of his children and in which he added one crying emoji, one shedding a tear and one sadder.

In the photo, which accumulates more than 730,000 likes , Nicholas can be seen putting a hand in front of his daddy's face who, with a pirate scarf on his head, makes the gesture of wanting to kiss him.

In another publication, the Spanish artist appears making his children laugh out loud while they are delighted. The funny clip accumulates more than 3 million views and exceeds 15,000 comments.

During an interview with the Spanish media a few months ago, Enrique said: "Being a father has changed my life and I am happy."

In addition, he said he felt proud of his partner in his role as a mother. "It's amazing to witness how good a mother she is. It's amazing to see a mother do what she does," he said.

Now, with the arrival of the last child of the Iglesias-Kournikova family, the proud parents show that they are one of the most stable couples in the world of entertainment, with a relationship that began 18 years ago.


Enrique Iglesias shared a tender video with his daughter Lucy

Enrique Iglesias melted Instagram with a tender photo of his son Nicholas