The Limited Times

Foreign Ministry of Colombia presents extradition request of Aída Merlano to representatives of Guaidó

2/13/2020, 11:32:40 PM

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Colombia reported that it delivered to Venezuela the request for extradition against former Congresswoman Aída Merlano, through representatives of opposition leader Ju…

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Details of the film leakage of Aída Merlano 1:47

(CNN Spanish) - Through a statement published on Thursday, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Colombia reported that it submitted to Venezuela the formal extradition request against former congresswoman Aída Merlano through representatives of opposition leader Juan Guaidó, whom Colombia recognizes as legitimate president of the neighboring country.

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The measure comes after the Foreign Ministry received from the Supreme Court of Justice the request to file the extradition request.

The communiqué informed that “this extradition request, issued by the Special Instruction Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice in its capacity as competent judge, has been submitted to the Venezuelan Embassy in Colombia, which represents the legitimate Government of President Juan Guaidó "

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The Foreign Ministry also condemned in its statement the position of the questioned President Nicolás Maduro regarding this case, calling it "complacent" because "after 17 days since he announced the alleged capture of this fugitive, he has chosen to grant conditions for her to publicly evade its responsibility and allege persecutions of the Colombian Government that do not exist, and even try to pre-constitute an asylum case. ”

Aida MerlanoExtractionJuan Guaidó