The Limited Times

In the opinion of Paolo and Gianfelice Rocca

2/13/2020, 2:43:37 PM

The brothers Paolo and Gianfelice Rocca were indicted for international corruption by the Milan gup Valerio Natale as part of the investigation into the Petrobras case. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - MILAN, FEBRUARY 13 - Brothers Paolo and Gianfelice Roccas have been indicted for international corruption by Milan's Valgus Natale Dalgup as part of the investigation into the Petrbras case. The judge also brought San Faustin, the holding company of the Techint group, to trial and also Roberto Bonatti, considered together with the two Rocca brothers, directors and partners of the same holding. The trial was set for May 14 before the seventh criminal section of the Tribunal.