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Sheee - Answer the questionnaire and find out: Is your relationship satisfying

2/13/2020, 10:23:59 PM

Have you always wanted to know are you in a satisfying or boring relationship? A questionnaire from an American prospective essay researching a relationship will reveal how you are progressing through your relationship

Answer the scientific questionnaire and find out if your relationship is satisfying

Have you always wanted to know are you in a satisfying or boring relationship? A questionnaire from an American prospective essay researching a relationship will reveal how you are progressing through your relationship


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The following questionnaire will help you determine whether your marriage (or long relationship) is still fresh and exciting or are they starting to move towards the bottom - the end of the relationship. The 10 questions that make up the questionnaire were compiled by Gary Lewandowski Jr., a professor at Monmouth University in New Jersey, who spent his life trying to understand relationships.

According to the professor, the questions will reveal whether your relationship allows you to reach "self-realization" and encourages "room for improvement," two things that Bandowski says are critical to creating a satisfying relationship. Without both of these characteristics, couples tend to stop trying to find new things in the relationship and it can become very boring.

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How the questionnaire works:

Each question should be rated between 1 (really not) and 7 (definitely yes) depending on how much you agree with it. The maximum score is 70.

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Relationship Questionnaire

Write down the score for each of the questions from 1 to 7

1. How much does your stay with the partner bring about a new experience?

2. When you are with the partner, do you feel you pay more attention to the details in his or her right?

3. How much does your partner help your ability to achieve new things?

4. How much does your partner help you understand what kind of person you are?

5. How much do you see your partner as one who can increase your perception?

6. How closely do your partner's strengths match your weaknesses as a human being?

7. How much did your perspective on things grow when you were with your partner?

8. How much does your stay with your partner make you learn new things?

9. How has your acquaintance with your partner made you a better person?

10. How much does your partner increase your knowledge?

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Now think about the result and find out what your score means

Score of 45 and below: You and Petner have "low communication". Your relationship does not create an opportunity that can expand your knowledge and make you feel better about yourself. Make an effort to try and experience new things with your partner to improve the relationship.

Score between 45 and 60: You and Petner have a "medium" relationship. Your relationship will give you new opportunities in life, but there is definitely room for improvement.

Score over 60: You and Partner have a great relationship. You are gaining a lot of new experiences and reaching new goals as a result. Chances are you're happy, and your relationship is very stable.