The Limited Times

Social justice measures: a bill passed in the Assembly against the opinion of LREM

2/13/2020, 8:11:57 PM

The text was adopted against the opinion of the government and against the vote of the majority group at the Palais Bourbon.

It is a little snub for the government and LREM. This Thursday afternoon the National Assembly adopted a bill "carrying various measures of social justice" supported by the group Freedom and Territories which brings together a dozen deputies from very diverse backgrounds. This bill has a total of 6 articles. A new hiccup after the mess on the leave for the death of a child.

The group of deputies at the origin of the bill obviously welcomes the adoption of their bill. "We voted for concrete solutions awaited for years by associations for people with disabilities" reacted to the Parisian, deputy Jeanine Dubié, from the group Liberté et Territoires.

Despite a suspension of the session, the LREM deputies failed to rally a majority to reject the text, which was not to the taste of the government.

After the suspension of the session, the bill "carrying various social justice measures" is adopted. # DirectAN

- LCP (@LCP) February 13, 2020

After the vote, the bill was adopted by 44 votes to 31. Among the LREM group, four deputies even voted for the text. France Insoumise, which had added amendments during the meeting, in particular on Article 5 three days earlier, was delighted. Jean-Luc Mélenchon therefore also congratulated himself on this success. "Victory !!!! LREM BATTU 31 against 44 for. The measure favorable to people with disabilities is adopted despite the inhumanity of LREM, ”he said on Twitter.

Contacted LREM had not reacted at the time of writing its lines.

Victory !!!! LREM BATTU 31 against 44 for. The measure favorable to disabled people is adopted despite the inhumanity of LREM.

- Jean-Luc Mélenchon (@JLMelenchon) February 13, 2020

"This bill seeks to improve autonomy, dignity and purchasing power"

The “social justice” provisions of the parliamentary text are mainly directed towards the disabled public and the elderly. “We consider that in our aging society, the question of dependence and the care of our seniors is obviously essential. In this perspective, this bill seeks to improve the autonomy, dignity and purchasing power of people, throughout their lives, and in particular when they are most vulnerable ”specifies the bill n ° 2550.

"Without claiming to respond to the greater challenge of the future of our social model in the face of the challenge of loss of autonomy, this proposal modestly invites us to improve existing systems with a view to social justice" specifies the introductory text .

Suppression of spouse's income in the calculation of the AAH

In detail, the measures intend to transform into a tax credit, the tax reduction for accommodation costs enjoyed by the elderly. Articles 2 and 3 remove the inclusion of the spouse's income in the calculation of the allowance for disabled adults (AAH) as well as in its ceiling.

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Article 4 proposes to raise the maximum age to benefit from the disability compensation benefit (PCH) from 60 to at least 65 years, to take account in particular of the increase in life expectancy. And finally, article 5 improves the taking into account of internships in the calculation of retirement pensions.