The Limited Times

The hashtag "Ingrid-Escamilla-fotos" goes viral

2/13/2020, 9:05:46 PM

After images of the crime scene of Ingrid Escamilla were leaked, social media users turned to the hashtag "Ingrid-Escamilla-photos" to remember the victim ...

After images of Ingrid Escamilla's crime scene were leaked, social media users turned to the hashtag "Ingrid-Escamilla-photos" to remember the victim of feminicide in Mexico with beautiful photos. The new hashtag aspires to counteract what they consider is the morbidity and achieve that, when looking for the name of the 25-year-old, the results show landscapes and flowers, among other photos. The president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, was asked about the filtering of images of this case and said that "if a mistake was made, it has to be punished."