The Limited Times

'Stranger Things 4': New preview reveals a great spoiler of the new season

2/14/2020, 11:32:41 PM

The streaming company gave fans of "Stranger Things" on this Valentine's Day an important announcement about the fourth season of the series. Its creators, the brothers ...

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New Stranger Things saga and * NSYNC prepares movie 1:16

(CNN) - Can we ruin something that Netflix already ruined?

The streaming company gave fans of "Stranger Things" on this Valentine's Day an important announcement about the fourth season of the series.

Its creators, the Duffer brothers, announced an advance of what will be the new season of the series and it contains a great 'spoiler'.

“We are excited to officially confirm that we are in production of 'Stranger Things 4'; and even more exciting is that Hopper returns! ”they said in a statement.

“Although it's not all good news for our 'American', (since) he is imprisoned away from home in winter Kamchatka, where he will face the dangers of humans ... and others. Meanwhile, back to the United States, a new horror emerges, something buried a while ago, something that connects everything ... ”.

It was believed that Hopper's character, played by David Harbor, had died in the third season.

But in advance for the new season, he seems to be working in a gang in Russia.

The truth is that things do not look good for him.

“The 4th season is emerging as the biggest and scariest season so far, and we can't wait for everyone to see more. Meanwhile, order by the American, ”said the Duffer brothers.

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