The Limited Times

DEL 2 live ticker: Tölzer Löwen receive EV Landshut

2/14/2020, 6:14:47 PM

The Tölzer Löwen want to take a step closer to participating in the play-offs in the home game against EV Landshut this Friday. You can find out whether it works in the Tölzer Kurier's live ticker from 7.15 p.m.

The Tölzer Löwen want to take a step closer to participating in the play-offs in the home game against EV Landshut this Friday. You can find out whether it works in the Tölzer Kurier's live ticker from 7.15 p.m.

+++ +++ UPDATE

7:10 p.m .: The guests line up as follows:

Goal: Berger (bricklayer)

1. Defense: Podlipnik, brass

2. Defense: Hofbauer, Forster

3. Defense: Zimmermann, Bohac

1st storm: Czarnik, Plihal, Pompei

2nd storm: Hofbauer, Forster, Ehl

7:02 pm: The lions play today in the following line-up:

Goal: Franzreb (Sinisa Martinovic)

1. Defense: Sasa Martinovic, Edfelder

2. Defense: Eberhardt, MacKenzie

3. Defense: Schwarz, Heinzinger

1st storm: Weller, McNeely, Dibelka

2nd storm: Sedlmayr, French, Pfleger

3rd storm: rider, pop, jaw piss

4th storm: Tosto

7:00 p.m .: Welcome to the live ticker of the DEL2 game between the Tölzer Löwen and EV Landshut. Patrick Staar reports from the Wee-Arena for the Tölzer Kurier.

Bad Tölz - The Tölzer Löwen still have six games in the main round of DEL 2. The goal is clear: hold sixth place and thus ensure direct participation in the play-offs. They have supposedly good cards in the struggle for sixth place with the four pursuers with the first two games against the promoted EV Landshut on Friday (7.30 p.m., Tölzer Eisstadion) and on Sunday with the Niederbayern (5 p.m.). But Lion coach Kevin Gaudet warns against taking the opponent too lightly. "Landshut is an extremely strong climber who has strengthened very well."

The lions have already made the mistake of not really taking the EVL seriously. They promptly dropped feathers: 5: 6 in extra time at home and 3: 4 in Landshut. "Derbies are often tight boxes, often ending with a goal difference," says Gaudet. “These are going to be damn difficult games. I expect a tight decision again this time. "

Gaudet's favorite virtues once again count for defending them in favor of the lions: defense and discipline. "Under no circumstances can we allow ourselves as many penalty times as in Frankfurt, that cost us the game." The power play of the Landshutters is not exactly the most effective. But that's usually not the case for the people of Frankfurt either. But the game was lost among other things.

The Landshut strengths are clearly on the offensive. The table twelfth has 149 hits on his account and needs the fewest attempts to score. This is partly due to the top scorers Mathieu Pompei (26 goals / 35 assists) and Robbie Czarnik (24/31), of whom Gaudet is very enthusiastic: "They are real goal scorers." But he also finds goalkeeper Jaroslav Hübl, Successful striker Jeff Hayes and currently Tomas Plihal as well as the Slovenian international Matic Podlipnik. Latest demonstration of strength: a 7-3 win in Kaufbeuren.

The right attitude against Landshut is recommended for the lions, and that they bring out their once sharpest sword again: the Powerplay. The squad is well filled. The Tölzer only have to do without Mark Heatley: he got a shot on the foot in training and has to pass. In goal, Max Franzreb gets priority - certainly because of his strong performance in the Frankfurt game. The defense changes Gaudet a bit, wants to provide more stability with Matt MacKenzie alongside Markus Eberhardt. Andreas Schwarz forms a pair of defenders with Niklas Heinzinger.