The Limited Times

The Turkish occupation forces and their mercenaries attack the villages of the Apurasin and Tal Tamr districts of Hasaka countryside

2/14/2020, 7:47:41 PM

Al-Hasakah-SANA The Turkish occupation forces and their terrorist mercenaries continued their aggression on Syrian soil


The Turkish occupation forces and their terrorist mercenaries continued their aggression on the Syrian soil in the northern countryside of Hasaka and targeted a number of villages and towns in the Abu Rasin area and Tel Tamr with rocket-propelled grenades.

A Sana correspondent in Hasaka stated that "the Turkish occupation forces and the terrorist groups allied with them assaulted with rocket-propelled grenades at villages in the Abu Rasin district and the village of al-Tawilah in the western Tamr al-Gharbi countryside, which resulted in material damage to public and private property."

He added that the Turkish occupation entered a convoy of military vehicles through the border village of Sukkari, heading towards villages northwest of the town of Aburasin.

The correspondent indicated that the Turkish occupation forces transported a convoy of military vehicles from Ras Al-Ain city to Mabrouka, west of the city, consisting of 8 tanks, 10 tracked personnel carriers and 5 missile launchers.

Since the beginning of its aggression against the northern border areas in October, the Turkish occupation forces and their mercenaries have seized several villages and towns in the northwestern countryside of Hasaka province and displaced thousands of families from their homes in those areas.