The Limited Times

Trump violates his country's false slogans and defends his interference with his judicial files

2/14/2020, 6:59:47 PM

Washington-Sana is in a clear departure from the norm, refuting the pseudo-slogans the United States is ranting about principles


In a clear departure from the norm, refuting the false slogans that the United States is ranting about the principles of liberties and democracy, US President Donald Trump announced his intention to continue to interfere in the affairs and files of the judiciary in his country.

Trump said in a tweet on his account on the social networking site Twitter today that he has the right to interfere in judicial files, but he turned back the allegation of his failure to do this so far.

Trump's comments came after statements by US Attorney General Bill Barr exposed his practices in which he announced yesterday that the tweets published by the US President make the work of his department "impossible".

This comes amid widespread debate in the states after the US Department of Justice reduced a prison sentence proposed against Trump's political advisor and close friend Roger Stone, who was convicted last November of lying to the US Congress and manipulating witnesses in order to harm Trump's election competitors.

Trump is facing the repercussions of another scandal related to his contact with his Ukrainian counterpart, Vladimir Zelinsky, and his attempt to open an investigation into his opponent in the upcoming presidential elections, Joe Biden, as the US House of Representatives began public hearings to discuss the removal of the US President on this issue.

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