The Limited Times

Shooting between police officers in Avellaneda: "He was a criminal with a uniform ... he was played"

2/15/2020, 11:44:41 PM

For the first time, agent Claudio De Carlo speaks. "I repeated three times to surrender, that I did not want to kill him," said Commissioner Hernán Martin.

María Laura Balonga

02/15/2020 - 20:13

  • Clarí
  • Police

“I always denied the corrupt police, and the saddest thing is that what happened to me was to give him an advantage. I repeated three times to surrender, that I did not want to kill him, and he said: ' No, no, no! '”

The one who speaks with Clarín is the 1st corporal of the Federal Police Claudio De Carlo (39), who bears in his body the marks of how the Buenos Aires Commissioner Hernán David Martin (41) resisted being arrested.

The shooting between Federal and Buenos Aires police officers occurred on March 29, 2018. De Carlo is one of the key players and the first to speak publicly about what happened that night at the Shell service station in the Southeast Access of Avellaneda. There, the payment of an extortion had been agreed and the victim reported the case to prosecutor Soledad Garibaldi.

The prosecutor called the Drug Brigade of the PFA to control the delivery of 170 thousand pesos, fearing that the extortionists were from Buenos Aires. He was not wrong. De Carlo and his partner, Sergeant Sergio Arán (42), arrested Captain Eduardo Franicevich (48) in fraganti, but Martin fled in a white Toyota Etios. He would die in his car after confronting the two of the Federal.


“We never imagined that the guy was going to start wildly with the shots. It didn't make sense, ”says De Carlo.

The case generated political crossings and accusations of execution of part of the family of the dead commissioner. He ended up with Sergeant Arán wounded, Captain Franicevich arrested for kidnapping and extortion, the IDD of Avellaneda-Lanús headless and five of its members prosecuted for " illicit association ."

De Carlo, after seven operations and one month and one interned day, he can count it. There were six shots that Martin gave him when he approached the driver's door of the car. The first entered under the pear and came out on a cheek. He is the only one who remembers . Now he has no sensitivity on the right side of the face and tongue. In its lower jaw there are nine rows of titanium plates.

Then, the other five bullets arrived: two in the left forearm, the one he used to protect himself and saved his life; one in the abdomen that lost part of the intestines and has a kidney that works at 20 percent; another on the hip and the last one that touched his testicles.

De Carlo is 1st place and says that former Federal Chief Néstor Roncaglia before leaving his post "signed a promotion for merit" to the rank of sergeant who has not yet become official. (Juano Tesone)

Even so, remember that the Fiorito Hospital walked in: “ I was saved by a police from Buenos Aires who charged me to the patrol car and took me. I could not stand another minute: I lost a lot of blood. I could never see her after that night, nor thank her. ” There he was treated urgently and that was key to his survival.

Then, he was referred to the Churruca Hospital. “I remember that the doctors said 'that 's it, poor kid '; of the priest who came to give me the extreme unction and the ' walk with God, son '; of the seven operations, of the respirator, of the cold when the medication was passed through the nasogastric tube and I felt that I was dying, of the pain, the frustration of being made a ball; to see my relatives coming to say goodbye and crying, ”he said sincerely.

-What do you remember from the night of the shooting?

-The operation arose that same day and the agreed delivery was at 21, I myself marked the silver and took photocopies of each of the bills. There were five of the Federal at the service station, and the rest were arriving, but the guys sent messages to the mine, rushed her to give them the money ... Well, I confronted Franicevich and told her it was the PFA, the guy said: ' Good, good .' The other like he had more to lose. He ran over me and passed by pointing ... I yelled at Sergio (Aran) to leave him, but he ran and I stopped Franicevich. While I was holding him on the floor, I heard shots and ran. When I was arriving, I saw a situation of imminent danger in the life of my partner, so I did not hesitate to interpose.

- Did you see the gun?

-He hid it in his shirt. I saw the flash. He was very alive, he was prepared and he was an expert shooter, but he was also a criminal with a uniform, which is the saddest thing. What he did is what a criminal does. I say that I gave him an advantage because my partner was already injured, I could have shot him, but it was not the idea. I saved Sergio's life, otherwise I wouldn't be in this world. Me (former Nation Security Minister Patricia) Bullrich called me a hero and I was embarrassed, because I did what I thought, and she told me I was a hero because I was aware of what I was doing when I stood before the kind.

The Buenos Aires commissioner David Hernán Martin was the one who shot De Carlo and died in the shooting.

-And you were aware of what you were doing?

-Of course. I knew that my life was at risk, but I knew that my partner, who has three children, was at a worse risk because I was defeated: I had two shots in one leg. And it was seeing and thinking, it kills me. At that time you know that in 50% you want to stop the fact and that the guy is scared and delivered; and that in another he will throw at you, which was the least possible, and that is what he did. It doesn't fit in any head, because the guy knew that if he threw away he would leave, but he will have thought: 'I'll take it with me .

Martin gave De Carlo six shots, although he was shot. His family, however, argues that "he was executed" and that he had "an impeccable file."

“You are working, and you are on the side of good, not on the side of evil. If a criminal goes, or worse, a terrorist, running backwards, do you let me kill everyone? ”He asks figuratively. And he adds: “That they gave me six shots is not being a hero, it is saving the life of your partner who has three children. That is what fills me. Heroes are the ones who went to the Falklands War. ”

-Why do you think Martin didn't give himself up?

-Because he was a criminal and was played. Because there is nothing worse than a criminal cop. Franicevich, handcuffed, with a dead companion and surrounded by Federal police, what gives you that image? It is the saddest thing, socially, not just personal, for society, for children ... How do you explain them?

The former captain of Buenos Aires Eduardo Franicevich, when he was arrested.

The policeman who sings rock

Martial arts teacher, De Carlo was a bodybuilding instructor, rugcar of Pucará and Defensores de Glew, bodybuilder and pathologist. Is a musician. But he always dreamed of being a policeman. “At 10 he had a toy card and went out to play in the street. At school, when you stole something, you screwed up. I don't smoke, I don't drink, I don't get high. I always carried a line of a good child, although they have thrown me out of schools for fighting me, but for just causes, huh. I am one of those who like things to be done correctly: I do not live, the jet, the idiot that comes forward in the queue.

-How do you get to integrate an elite brigade into the Federal?

-In the Police you can keep schedule and go home; Or you can care about the investigation and you are encouraged to impersonate a villa, to make friends with drug traffickers, to go with a hidden camera. It is not for anyone or anyone is encouraged. What matters is the vocation. And, when you have it, it is a plus and you seek to perfect yourself. You have to prepare, not be one more. I had a very nice, award-winning career, and with clashes, obvious. I was 12 years in the Lomas de Zamora delegation of the Federal, and then I went to Drugs, to play in First. It is the brigade that made the raids of the Cause of Notebooks, which they called the judge (Claudio) Bonadio, (Daniel) Rafecas and with whom a trust was generated with the Judicial Power. They knew they could call us at any time and we didn't know if we were going to arrest Bin Laden or kidnap CDs. That's why (prosecutor Soledad) Garibaldi called us. I was in the place I deserved when this happened, because Sergio and I were leading the Division. Now, everything changed.

The 1st corporal of the Federal Claudio De Carlo played with his band "Part of Everything", in a bar in Monte Grande on February 14, along with Luciano Ledesma, Fernando López and Omar Camero.

- Did you think about your life outside the Police?

-It costs me the most. In parallel, I always liked the music. From the age of 6 that my dad, Genaro, took me to study. Although what I like most is the composition, my old man taught me to sing to life, to the things that are happening to you. My band, "Part of Everything," has been my ground wire, and what is saving me.

On December 23, De Carlo and his band, which was formed in 2011 and are finishing recording their first professional album ("Uncertain Destiny"), played live again for the first time since operations. Last Friday he repeated in a bar in Monte Grande and already have several presentations and visits to music programs.

Although the litmus test was when he picked up the guitar again: “I had surgery on July 21 and on August 1 I was in the living room with everyone waiting for me. It cost me because my left arm was not well, I don't have a good mouth and tongue asleep; and I didn't know if my voice was going to come out, if I was going to be able to sing for the tracheotomy. It was emotional because music is the only thing left for me. I was afraid of not being able to sing anymore, I can't be a cop anymore. I would go back to the procedures, I am not afraid. Yes I know that I am in inferior conditions, and it is not what corresponds, I can no longer defend myself as before . And I'm not a guy to be behind a desk.



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