The Limited Times

Berland case: Mantos judge will be invited for clarification Israel today

2/16/2020, 8:44:42 PM


President of the Supreme Court Esther Hayes ordered to inquire into Judge Sharon Larry Bavli, following her controversial remarks at the hearing on Rabbi Berland's case

  • Judge Sharon Larry Babley // Photo: Gil Yohanan - Contact, Jonathan Zingel - Flash 90

Following Justice Sharon Larry Babi's controversial remarks at a hearing on Rabbi Berland's case last week, Supreme Court President Justice Esther Hayes ordered (on Sunday) to make an inquiry to the Magistrate of Jerusalem.

As stated, in Justice Belli's hearing, she responded to Berland's attorney, who said it would have been better to leave him in the hospital by saying, "Give him a mentos," while stinging him in response to a video in which Berland appears to give a cancer patient bullets that turned out to be police candy.

The arrest of Rabbi Berland was extended by eight days

Berland's lawyer, Amit Haddad, said at the conclusion of the hearing: "We are now out of court with a severe feeling. Not because he extended his detention, but because this is an 82-year-old man with cancer and one kidney, who was arrested today from Shaare Zedek Hospital. I think his dire health requires us to discover and release him. "

More on:

Judge Berland: "Not feeling well? Take a mentus"

Another suspect was arrested in the case of Rabbi Berland

Testimony against Rabbi Berland: "Promised to the deceased's family in exchange for payment of the first universe in the resurrection"

The judge interrupted him, saying that "we realized his condition was not like 17-year-old Fergie." The court administration said that "the issue is clearly ahead of the relevant factors in the system."

Remember, Rabbi Berland, who is suspected of misdemeanor offenses, fraudulent receipt, money laundering and omission of income - offered patients candy mantos and tic-tic to be cured. This was stated during the hearing to extend the rabbi's arrest.