The Limited Times

Incest shock at Big Brother 2020: Cathleen loved her brother for years

2/16/2020, 6:38:48 PM

Big Brother 2020 has its first scandal: Candidate Cathleen loved her own brother for years. Sat.1 already knew about it before moving in.

Big Brother 2020 has its first scandal: Candidate Cathleen loved her own brother for years. Sat.1 already knew about it before moving in.

  • Incest scandal at Big Brother 2020 .
  • Candidate Cathleen had an intimate relationship with her half-brother for years.
  • Sat.1 knew about punishable love even before moving in.

"I have no inhibitions!", Candidate Cathleen * brags in a promotional clip from Sat.1 about Big Brother 2020 . Probably no production employee could imagine that behind the announcement of the candidate there is also a violent story. Then Cathleen had an intimate relationship with her half-brother Andreas - for nine years! The two even spoke about their love life in front of an RTL camera years ago - but the competitor from Sat.1 hid the incest story in the poison cupboard and never broadcast the clip. The Bild newspaper has now brought history back to light.

Big Brother 2020:

In fact, Cathleen and her half-brother Andreas made headlines in 2013. At that time, they appeared as a couple on the RTL show "7 days sex" . If you are no longer familiar with this program: Couples documented their intimate lives in the program and even had the camera teams accompany them to the bedroom. The couples wanted to get their love life going again for RTL - by being intimate with each other every day for seven days.


Big Brother 2020: Candidate Cathleen had an intimate relationship with her half brother for years.

© SAT1 / Willi Weber, SAT1

A couple never got to see the RTL viewers - maybe luckily - even though the pictures were already in the box. You guessed it: it was Cathleen and Andreas . The two hadn't revealed to RTL that they had the same father. In the case of close relatives - including half-siblings - sexual relationships are punishable. Asleep between relatives ” (paragraph 173 of the Criminal Code ) means up to three years in prison or fines. As the picture reported at the time, a relative of the couple reported to RTL shortly before the episode aired and let the incest scandal be exposed. The broadcaster overturned the episode out of the program and broadcast the repetition of an episode of the Peter Zwegat show " Get out of debt ".

Video: This is “Big Brother” candidate Cathleen

The then RTL spokeswoman Anke Eickmeyer justified the broadcast ban as follows: "Due to very personal information about protagonists of the planned episode of '7 days sex' from March 6th, which we only received just before the broadcast date, we decided against broadcasting after intensive consideration decided."

The picture reported in 2013 that Andreas and Cathleen had an intimate relationship for nine years. They defended themselves against RTL with the statement that they had not known for a long time that they were related.

When the picture confronted Cathleen with the story at the time, she spoke quite frankly about the incest: “I love my husband, he me. We stand by that. Many try to attack us because of this. It's a shame that our episode was discontinued because of that. According to the tabloid, the two were never punished only because there was no advertisement. In German criminal law, the principle applies: "Where there is no plaintiff, there is no judge."

At “Big Brother” 2020, Cathleen is visually different

Seven years later after the RTL scandal, inbreeding Cathleen appeared on Big Brother 2020 on Sat.1 . Visually, however, changed a little. For the transformation, she also had a suitable story ready for the picture: “I had my interventions done because I was at the source. In the lips hyaluronic acid and botox in the forehead. I worked for a long time with aesthetic doctors. I also got an employee discount. I'm happy with it and don't overdo it. I also had some suction around my waist. And I also had my stomach tuned. "


Cathleen has changed visually seven years after the incest scandal for Big Brother 2020.

© SAT1 / Willi Weber, SAT1

Did she just want to prevent anyone from recognizing her through a Google search? This question remains open. According to a picture , Big Brother 2020 production employees confronted them with the incest story shortly before moving in. Which she always showed herself to. In contrast to RTL , this was no reason for Sat.1 to banish them from the screen. As a broadcaster told the tabloid, the relationship with half-brother Andreas had been over for three years. And further: "She came to us as a single and her certificate of good conduct was clean."

If the relationship has actually been over for three years, as Sat.1 points out, then a small arithmetic problem is allowed here: 2020 minus 3 results in 2017. If Cathleen and her half-brother Andreas separated at the time, then half-sister and half-brother loved four years long after the RTL scandal.

It will be interesting to see whether Sat.1 will take any consequences if the incest scandal from that time now makes headlines again.


* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network

List of rubric lists: © SAT1 / Willi Weber, SAT1

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