The Limited Times

Incomprehension among stick shooters - referees pull in ice sticks

2/16/2020, 11:05:48 AM

Recently there were big problems in curling. Many sticks did not meet the regulations. The International Ice Hockey Federation responded.

Recently there were big problems in curling. Many sticks did not meet the regulations. The International Ice Hockey Federation responded.

County - One or two curling artists rubbed their eyes in amazement. Because what was happening during the competition of the 2nd Bundesliga in Buchloe on the first weekend in February was nothing everyday for the athletes. "It was an unannounced action," said Fabian Rankl, DESV referee chairman. Numerous ice sticks were subsequently confiscated. "We found ambiguities in the special inspection", Rankl explains. The curling stones did not comply with the regulations. A problem that has been increasing in recent weeks. The referees accidentally became aware of this in December and then carried out targeted checks. The International Ice Hockey Federation (IFI) is now responding to this.

During the controls, the referees found that the steel rings around the curling stones did not comply with the rules. The squareness must be less than 0.1 millimeters. This was not the case with numerous ice sticks. The players have an advantage due to a certain rounding. Due to the cone-shaped rounding of the steel ring, the curling does not jump so far when it hits another. And consequently he stays closer to the stave. According to Max Moritz, head of the IFI's technical testing center, the mounted sticks are exclusively shot sticks.

Four manufacturers have sold irregular curling stones

It is not new that curling stones are improved contrary to the rules. Only players used to do this with their own stick. This time, however, things are different. "We assume that it was the manufacturer's intention," says Moritz. "There are eight manufacturers worldwide, four of which are affected." The four manufacturers who sold irregular curling stones must face "hefty fines". The confiscated curling stones must be repaired or replaced at the expense of the companies. "Two manufacturers have the poles adjusted by a specialist company, two do it themselves. We will of course check that, ”says Moritz. He describes the offense of the manufacturers as "naive impudence".

But he is also critical of referees who would have checked too laxly. "I'm glad it came up now," says Moritz. "It would have gotten worse and worse." The irregular ice stock was used mainly in the upper leagues. Better players can take better advantage of the rounded steel rings, explains the head of the IFI test center.

Bundesliga club TSV Peiting has no problems

The first division club TSV Peiting had no problems. All of Peitinger's curling stones were unobjectionable, reports Christian Lindner, who works for TSV in various functions and is also DESV president. The manufacturer from which the TSV obtains its sticks had not produced any irregular sticks. The situation is different at EC Antdorf, which had recently relegated from the 2nd division. “The sticks of our entire team were confiscated,” says EC stick shooter Martin Luidl.

This raises several questions for him. Luidl had had his curling checked by both the manufacturer and the district referee in advance of the competition. Both assured him that everything was fine. However, his stick was retracted. "I don't understand that," he says. In addition, the Antdorfer doubts the accuracy of the measuring equipment and suspects that not all manufacturers have been treated equally. Luidl demands that the tests are the same. He fears that there will be less control in the lower leagues. "What good is it," says Luidl, "if I play against a newcomer next year who plays the stick that was taken from me?"

The focus for the stick shooters is now on the World Championships in Regen, where TSV Peiting will also be represented. Ulrike Lachenmayer recently presented herself in dazzling form. She expanded her medal collection.