The Limited Times

Tax injustice in America denounced by two French people

2/16/2020, 10:26:42 PM

Emmanuel Saez and Gabriel Zucman have earned their stripes of American economists to the point of seeing their analyzes taken up by Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders.

For a Frenchman, it is the height of chic: write a book in English and have it translated by a third person, with the words "translated from English (United States)". Emmanuel Saez and Gabriel Zucman are professors of economics at the University of Berkeley in California, after having trained in the grandes écoles of France. They have earned their stripes of American economists to the point where their analyzes are taken up by Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, the Democratic contenders in the presidential race of 2020 the most radical.

Read also: Taxing the great fortunes, the subject rises in the United States in the race for the White House

Their new book, The Triumph of Injustice , with the subtitle Wealth, tax evasion and democracy , was published last summer across the Atlantic. It deals exclusively with the American situation, even if the question of growing inequalities and fiscal justice has become universal. The facts which they recall are now very well known and little disputed, as regards purely accounting analyzes. In four decades the share,

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