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The criminal map scandal is more serious than Trump's problematic scheme - Walla! news

2/16/2020, 7:53:48 PM

The Prime Minister's claim that the annexation is delayed until after the elections is a transparent excuse for those who have a lot of power in speaking: the requested mapping has already been done and the problem is not professional but political. Once you have ...

The defendant's map scandal is more serious than Trump's problematic scheme

The Prime Minister's claim that the annexation is delayed until after the elections is a transparent excuse for those who have a lot of power in speaking: the requested mapping has already been done and the problem is not professional but political. After the instant annexation rumors dissipated, Netanyahu tried to market used goods - and to forget his agreement to establish a Palestinian state

The defendant's map scandal is more serious than Trump's problematic scheme

Photo by Roni Kanfo, Edit: Tal Reznik

In the corner of Lincoln and Yehuda Halevi Streets in Tel Aviv, stands a reserved and fenced compound - Mapi, the Israel Mapping Center, before the Survey Division. Mapi belongs to the Ministry of Labor and Construction, which is currently headed by Minister Yifat Shasha Biton (all of us / Likud). Mapi has a close affiliation to the IDF's mapping unit, whose commanders have integrated with its management. Map of Maple's photographs, documents and charts are available, for a reasonable fee, to every citizen; you can also order products of tour flights and satellite stations. In a dozen shekels, twice as much as you want, the Map of Independence can also be purchased.

Representative of Mapi in the West Bank is Civilian Chief of Staff Survey, Hossam Hir. Everything Mapi has about the territories of the State of Israel and its borders - and at least until the Six Day War was one of its "Border Officer" personnel - is located at the KMU surveying staff In its focused context. Where does every Palestinian village and Israeli settlement sit, who owns every dunam, how to demarcate the planned Area C, which promotes Oslo to annex Israel to Israel, the Security B, the Palestinian Authority. There are local disputes most often, because of Kushan and Tabu and sales notes, but the mapping as a whole exists and is retractable at the touch of a button. Certainly the Israeli prime minister has no difficulty in achieving it. He is the chief maple, from Panic.

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Transparent excuse. Netanyahu at government meeting today (Photo: Emil Salman, Haaretz)

PM Benjamin Netanyahu at a Weekly Government Meeting 16 February 2020 (Photo: Emil Salman, Haaretz)

And so Benjamin Netanyahu's claim that the annexation, according to the news of Donald Trump, is delayed until after the Knesset election because of a mapping load, is a transparent pretext that is multiplied by the admission of default. The requested mapping is already done and constantly updated - it is on the computer. However, it is one-sided, and it is necessary to deal with the materials of the Pentagon's geospatial intelligence agency (NGA), under the administration, because the problem is political and unprofessional.

If so, emptiness is Netanyahu's pride in having been instrumental in Trump's three-year tenure. In Netanyahu's opinion, he had to enter Trump with the mapping data before the plan was unveiled, not after; Design it in advance. If this is not done, the future coordination story between the American and Israeli maps is just a political excuse for defaulting on those who have a lot of power in talking.

Ignoring and utter disrespect

When Netanyahu alienates the IDF in mapping the annexation, he not only cuts off the central role of government headquarters work on the territories and their future - he also compiles Defense Minister Naphtali Bennett, who, in public mockery of his nomination, failed to make the Likud audience laugh. Netanyahu has been sharing the IDF with input into the Trump program as long as Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman has been. But between Lieberman and Bennett there was a year of Netanyahu. The army was shutting it down then. Why, if Netanyahu did bother to make time and not just talk in retrospect, the vital details of the Chief of Staff, Central Command General, heads of planning, intelligence, operations and operations coordinator in the Occupied Territories - the additional commander, in the Civil Administration channel, of the surveying commander Hossam Hir ?

The scandal is not overlooked by the expert rank. It also embraces the utter disregard for the political level. The phenomenon is amazing in itself and the willingness of the members of the government to absorb all humiliation and damage the proper state order. As Netanyahu's criminal situation worsened and he skidded on the legal slope, he intensified his power within the Likud and the government. His reign became a single show. The government's cabinet structure was crushed.

The joy of annexation dissipated in his commandment. Trump (Photo: Reuters)

US President Donald Trump during his White House statement following the February 6, 2020 coup (Photo: Reuters)

From the first week of the Provisional Government, once it was determined that the holders of the files would not be executives (because they preceded the government of the People's Government), governors, licensed or loyalists, but - as a proposal by the Sheetrit police - minister, Prime Minister and Minister of Defense David Ben-Gurion was required to ratify his decisions in a five-member committee. In which his party was a minority of two, he and Finance Minister Eliezer Kaplan, compared to the three representatives of the partnership. Big decisions were brought to the entire government, which was not much larger than the Defense Ministerial Committee ("Cabinet") today. Ben-Gurion did not dare to undertake a holy operation, and Levi Eshkol was reluctant to open in the Six Day War, without the support of other ministers.

Menachem Begin launched the secret courting of Anwar Sadat along with Foreign Minister Moshe Dayan and left for Camp David with Dayan and Defense Minister Ezer Weizman, in addition to experts (who continued in an inter-organizational format, with the participation of the IDF and Prime Ministers, Defense, Foreign and Justice) In the government of Yitzhak Rabin, in the process of Oslo, Rabin navigated and flew, but kept his wing with the help of Foreign Minister Shimon Peres, Netanyahu, today difficult to digest, did not move to the Wai conference and without it three ministers - Itzik Mordechai from the security, Eric Sharon from the outside and Nathan Sharansky from the gulag. Barak was equipped with ministers when he arrived at Camp David, while Ehud Olmert and even Netanyahu II assisted with Tzipi Livni. Netanyahu's late, current, exclusive property, with a tiny exception, the Minister of Tourism - obviously, a tourist storm is expected following the annexation - Yariv Levin.

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To snakes goodbye

After the immediate annexation news dissipated in the Trumps, Netanyahu tried to market the disappointed, defective used goods as a new one. Thus, slippery tongues, Berlandians of the past centuries, sold poor lapses in rural oil-snake fairs to cure any pain; To snakes goodbye. Now, Netanyahu explains that annexation is completely guaranteed, in two signatures, of his - if only elected - the public's (and then the court's) fateful responsibility - and of Trump, who is unmatched in his speech. On the other hand, he volunteers to assist Abbas in renouncing Trump; Palestinians have been given impossible conditions for negotiating, which will eventually be rewarded; And if they meet the same conditions, even fewer exit conditions await them at the end of the road, so there is really no danger of a deal that Trump could present as fair and equitable.

In this way, at a cost of embarrassment to Trump - hoping he is too busy tweeting and not bothering to read election propaganda translation, Netanyahu is trying to forget his agreement to establish a Palestinian state. This is already a final fact, which is no longer under his control: If the Palestinians comply, Netanyahu is committed to supporting the establishment of Palestine. Not that it's the first time. On the Sharon government's basic lines, after President Bush announced conditional support for the establishment of a Palestinian state alongside Israel, Finance Minister Netanyahu also signed a limited Palestinian state. Trump just copied Bush and Netanyahu 2020 - Netanyahu (and Sharon) 2003.

The mapping is already done. Abbas with UN Map of Century Deal (Photo: AP)

PA President Abu Mazen during UN General Assembly 11 February 2020 (Photo: AP)

Netanyahu exceeded his political authority - he had no moral authority - in his announcement that he would hand over to Palestine areas of the State of Israel, two in the Negev and one in Sharon / Samaria. He does not own the Pioneer Sands and the Triangle. At most, he can give a house in Caesarea and an apartment on 35 Gaza Street in Jerusalem. The renunciation of parts of the homeland, under the guise of winning other parts of the homeland, of the settlers, and not to have their roaming km back to the west of the line, makes it the first prime minister willing to compromise the achievements of the 1948-49 war.

Ben Gurion withdrew from Sinai and Gaza in 1956; The campaign was only a raid in the first place, but a sudden appetite that came with eating made the temporary conquest of the third kingdom of Israel, for 15 weeks. Begin, with the help of Sharon, withdrew from Sinai after 15 years of occupation. Sharon, with Netanyahu's help, left Gaza. In between, there was also a military retreat in the Golan - at the level, not from the plateau - as a result of the Yom Kippur War, and the sovereignty of Jordan was restored, but not in fact, to river enclaves and horns outside the Land of Israel of the British era. After a quarter of a century, Netanyahu taunted Amman, renegotiating the lease and turning it into practice.

My fateful moment

Boundaries are important, so mapping is important too. It is essential to know what exactly is talking about; What do you give, what do you get, who (the parties, the UN; in thin or thick pencil) marks the map? The demilitarized territories in the armistice lines with Egypt (in those pioneering sands) and most often caused border disputes. The border between Syria and Lebanon in the region Sheba Farms are projecting tensions on Israel. Sometimes (taba), debate is only a matter of money, or a procrastination production enterprise to evade a more fundamental solution. In withdrawal from Lebanon, the desired political qualification in the blue line for the topographic benefit. Right: the IDF, its bulldozers and its fences. , Has proven in the last two decades that topography is changeable and does not have to constitute a cause of invasion or occupation that causes attrition.

President Harry Truman stunned Israel - she implored and hoped, but had no idea he decided - announcing her de facto recognition 11 minutes after Ben Gurion declared statehood (and less than six months before the presidential election, when he desperately needed the help of New York Jews ). Another gospel is being digested, and US Secretary of State Levy Henderson, chilled as his counterpart and minister George Marshall in his objection, calls Israel's deputy Eliyahu Epstein, later Eilat: Please state the borders of the state the president has just recognized. Eilat, with no delay in receiving instructions from Tel Aviv, made it clear that these were the boundaries of the Partition Plan of November 1947, with an opening for changes according to circumstances.

Netanyahu exceeded his authority in announcing that he would hand over Palestinian territories to Israel. Umm al-Fahm (Photo: Reuters)

Buildings in Umm al-Fahm city on January 30, 2020 (Photo: Reuters)

Ben-Gurion and Foreign Minister Moshe Sharett praised Eilat for its resourcefulness, but at the same time, parallel to the invasion of the Arab armies, it was still the tiny Israel of the partition plan, before the conquests (or liberations) and the deportation and escape, a bi-national state with an internal population of four Arabs versus five Jews. As for De Facto, the recognition was actually in Israel's provisional government, in the new state's ability to establish actual rule in the field. This is also a precedent for Palestine: immediate rule in the territories now held by the state on the road, precise borders and de jure recognition later.

These are such heavy issues that government ministers extradite them from one pie, and what another man crouching under three indictments and running without any impediment to the last election of his life, except if the seven-year sentence of a convicted politician and severe punishment is changed. For 70 years or more, a state is collecting data, nudging its computers and safes on maps, and at a fateful moment for its future, it allows the defendant whose dubious motives to charge it without the elected superintendent above him - a prime minister has no upper class status, he is required for government and Knesset approval - and without a professional establishment. The scandal of how the Trump program dealt with before and after, therefore, competes with its problematic content.

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