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Influenza: what's behind flu symptoms - without fever?

2/17/2020, 4:17:18 PM

You cough, sniff and feel weak - but luckily you have been spared from fever. Is it flu at all?

You cough, sniff and feel weak - but luckily you have been spared from fever. Is it flu at all?

Many people sniff or cough through the cold season. But where does the flu start - and does a cold stop? What if I don't have a fever?

Do I have the flu or is it just a cold?

Basically, the flu is caused by viruses and usually starts suddenly . "Usually you feel healthy in the morning and suddenly have a fever of 39 or 40 degrees in the evening," infectiologist Peter Walger from the professional association of German internists told the world. Many sufferers also suffer from severe headache and body aches as well as chills and also feel miserable and weak - sometimes for weeks or even months . Other symptoms include:

  • anorexia
  • Severe tiredness
  • High fever from 38 to 40 degrees Celsius
  • Muscle pain all over the body
  • Dry cough without mucus
  • Stuffy or runny nose

His tip: Better to bed immediately for a few days. After all, influenza is not to be trifled with - and very important: do not forget to drink. Doctors already advise healthy people to drink an average of one and a half to two liters. If you are sick, however, it is significantly more. " With fever, the body can quickly lose an additional two liters of fluid, " warns Walger. A lot of water and tea are the best choice here.

Here's what to do if you have the flu

In addition, the expert advises to use ibuprofen & Co. when the pain is no longer bearable . But be careful: the dose makes the poison. It is best to only take as much as necessary. However, the infectiologist advises against combined preparations: "This mix contains important and unimportant individual active ingredients, so correct dosing is impossible."

And Walger doesn't think much of antibiotics either : " Antibiotics make no sense for colds or flu , they don't work against viruses." In his opinion, they only make sense if there is a bacterial infection in addition to the viruses. Then one speaks of a so-called super infection , which puts an additional burden on the weakened body.

Read also : Beware of this one pain reliever - it could have fatal consequences for you.

Cold: ebbs quickly - and there is no risk of fever

However, many sufferers confuse flu and cold because the symptoms are very similar . But a cold can occur up to four times a year. This is also triggered by viruses - although there are different types of viruses - and here too there is a cold, sore throat and headache.

But there is a serious difference: a cold starts very slowly and usually subsides after a few days . In addition, "it affects the state of mind, but you are not seriously ill," says Walger. In addition, the most important criterion is not available here: the fever . In concrete terms, this means that those who have a cold are fortunately spared. However, if you already have a high fever, it is best to see a doctor quickly. This applies especially to:

  • Seniors
  • People with cardiovascular diseases
  • People with lung diseases
  • diabetic
  • People with weak immune systems
  • toddlers

Medicines for colds at Stiftung Warentest - only one medication really helps .

Flu: The whole body hurts

If you do not belong to the risk group, but if you are suspected of having flu, you also suffer from shortness of breath, circulatory disorders or even dizziness , you should also see a doctor. Incidentally, this also applies to those who are suffering from a long-lasting cold or a new thrust after a few days. After all, it could even be pneumonia . But other organs could also be affected:

  • Gastrointestinal
  • joints
  • muscles
  • brain

Also read : What helps quickly against flu symptoms?

Surprising study: One in five people infected with flu shows no symptoms at all

On the other hand, a 2014 Lancet Respiratory Medicine study is astonishing - it says that every fifth person is infected with influenza viruses during a flu wave . But now comes the hammer: Most don't even know because they have no symptoms at all . The team led by Andrew Hayward from University College London was able to prove that it is even three quarters of the infected. Therefore, only a few "unfortunate" should have subsequently gone to the doctor.

How long have you been contagious with flu? You can find out here .

And that's right - after all, influenza is a serious disease that can even be fatal if complications arise. It therefore makes sense that there is a vaccination against the "real" flu - but not against the common cold. The vaccine differs from year to year depending on which flu viruses are currently in circulation.

But who pays the costs of a flu shot - is that also possible if I am legally insured? You can find out here.

You can find out everything about influenza in our Great Flu Guide.


The life-saving prick: These risk groups should be vaccinated against flu

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