The Limited Times

Obesity through cosmetics: These creams are said to make you fat

2/17/2020, 3:45:07 PM

Improper diet, too little exercise: everyone knows these fattening foods. But there are other factors that can make you fat: Researchers are now exposing a substance in care products.

Improper diet, too little exercise: everyone knows these fattening foods. But there are other factors that can make you fat: Researchers are now exposing a substance in care products.

  • Care products can also contain harmful ingredients.
  • The following applies: the more natural the ingredients and the shorter the list of substances they contain, the more skin-friendly cosmetics are.
  • A preservative is said to promote obesity in the offspring.

Do you use body lotion, day cream and deodorant every day? Then you should take a close look at their ingredients. Some are not only suspected of being carcinogenic, but can also make you fat. This is the conclusion reached by researchers at the Helmholtz Center in Leipzig.

Parabens are considered to be hormonally effective - especially pregnant women should be careful

Her study, published in the specialist journal "nature communications", came to a frightening result: Paraben-containing cosmetics that pregnant women could use could have a significant impact on the later weight of the unborn child. Parabens are used as preservatives in many care products such as creams and shower gels. In high doses, parabens * can negatively affect the hormonal balance and a connection between the development of breast cancer and the intake of parabens is also discussed. However, such has not yet been scientifically proven.

Parabens can be found in cosmetics as methylparaben, propylparaben and butylparaben and have an antibacterial effect. Researchers at the Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research (UFZ) have now researched the effects of paraben-containing cosmetics together with the University of Leipzig, the Charité and the Berlin Institute of Health (BIH). The study results have shown that pregnant women who use such products and leave them on their skin for a long time (as is the case with cream) can negatively affect the weight of their offspring .

Read also : Toxins in shower gel: How to recognize from your skin that you should change the product .

Relationship between parabens in the mother's urine and the weight of the offspring

"If pregnant women take parabens through the skin, this can lead to overweight in their children", the portal Heilpraxisnet quotes the UFZ environmental immunologist Dr. Tobias Polte: " We discovered (...) a positive correlation between the concentrations of butyl paraben in the urine of the mothers and an increased body mass index * of the children - especially the daughters - up to the age of eight."

For this finding, the researchers evaluated the data from the LINA mother-child cohort study, a long-term study by the UFZ. The aim was to find out the consequences of environmental pollution in childhood development phases . For example, the extent to which later allergies, respiratory diseases or even being overweight are promoted by factors such as the behavior of the mother during pregnancy.

In the video: These cosmetic products are real bacteria spinners

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