The Limited Times

Renewed, the CFCM plays its credibility in its fight against fundamentalism

2/17/2020, 7:11:43 PM

If it wants to be a credible interlocutor in the eyes of the public authorities, the French council of the Muslim religion (CFCM) must give proof of effectiveness after its long internal crisis.

The French council of Muslim worship (CFCM) is not left aside, far from it, in the offensive led by the President of the Republic to fight against Muslim radicalism. But if it wants to be a credible interlocutor in the eyes of the public authorities, this body, which occupies a central position in its role of interface between the communities of the faithful and the Republic, must give proof of effectiveness after the long internal crisis that he just crossed.

Read also: Mohammed Moussaoui: "There is a distrust of Muslims towards the CFCM"

Thursday, February 13, the Minister of the Interior, Christophe Castaner, received for this purpose Mohammed Moussaoui, the new president of the CFCM, who was elected on January 18. According to his entourage, the minister asked, during a face-to-face interview, this Muslim official for a " real plan of action " to counter the Muslim radicals and their communitarian strategy. Castaner notably insisted on the training of imams, on the governance of the CFCM, but also on the departmental decentralization of this structure

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