The Limited Times

The judge in the Taka trial was summoned for clarification Israel today

2/17/2020, 8:20:48 PM


After making a statement to the media at the start of the police officer's trial, Shira Bataka, the top president ordered to clarify to Judge Falah • "Violence and communication will not affect," he said.

The president of the Supreme Animal On Monday ordered to hold an inquiry against Haifa Magistrate's Court Judge Zayed Falah, who spoke to the media without his approval. The inquiry will be presented to Justice Ron Shapiro before Haifa Magistrate's House.

Justice Falah made a statement yesterday to the media at the opening of the trial of the policeman who shot to death in Salomon Taka in Haifa Magistrates' Court. This is despite not accepting it: "Violence, demonstrations and media do not affect the court. The defendant's acquittal does not imply impeachment in the rest or community, and his conviction does not imply impeachment in the Israeli police." He even addressed Taka's family members, saying, "I know it's hard for you, but the administration of the trial will be orderly."

It will be recalled that a young member of the Ethiopian community was shot dead by a police officer who was not on duty after an argument over the noise caused by Taka and his friends. According to a DIP version, which accused the officer of negligently causing death, the boys threw stones at him, and in response he pulled out a gun and fired to the floor, resulting in a flare that resulted in Taka's death.

Participating in the preparation of the news: Daniel Siriotti