The Limited Times

“Macron against“ Islamist separatism ”: an overly segmented and technical approach”

2/19/2020, 8:29:44 PM

TRIBUNE - Member of the board of directors of the Printemps Républicain, Benjamin Sire judges that the president's announcements do not constitute a doctrine which would allow the public authorities to thwart political Islam in France.

The Republican Spring is a movement co-founded in 2016, notably by Laurent Bouvet and Gilles Clavreul, which endeavors to defend the republican idea against those that its members call "identity defeaters".

The declarations of the President of the Republic, on February 18 in Mulhouse in the sensitive district of Bourtzwiller - announced as the beginnings of the plan of "republican reconquest" in preparation - disappointed. The country has been waiting for a long time for a major intervention on secularism and the question of communitarianism, a founding address which would trace a path inspired by the strong and coherent vision of a guide of the Nation, according to the idea that the general of Gaulle of the presidential function. However, this was put back on Greek calendars and France was rewarded in exchange for a technical statement, proposals for adjustments at the margin, as if the country were only a soulless device which it would have to handle a few levers to bring it back into

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