The Limited Times

Dortmund-PSG: Neymar, Tuchel, Meunier… in Paris nobody assumes defeat

2/19/2020, 9:08:50 PM

The round of 16 between Borussia and Paris revealed dysfunctions on and off the field. At the club, nobody assumes his

Courage, let's flee! If PSG once again missed out on its round of 16, it achieved a mixed zone of legendary post-match, close to perfection if that match consisted of ironing the hot potato.

The mixed zone brings together players from the game and the media. Tuesday evening, everyone had a message to deliver which would be summed up as follows: "It's not me, it's him" . This new European hiccup, which Paris can happily erase on March 11 on the way back, reveals the unhealthy atmosphere that seizes the club on European evenings.

For Tuchel, it's the players' fault

The coach refused to take responsibility. Author of a surprising change in the organization of the game, a move to 3-4-3 only used at the end of the match recently, he evaded questions about his system. " Change? It would take too long to explain, ”he started. In front of the dumbfounded audience, he added to cut it short: "Really! "

Move on, there is nothing to see that he forgot to answer a question about the attitude of the players, fearful from the kick-off and authors of two strikes during the first 45 minutes, an unprecedented fact since the sinister match in Barcelona on March 8, 2017 (6-1). This question, obviously, interested him more than his tactics. "We lack a little confidence, I have the same impression as you. We played with too much fear of making a mistake, it's not good. "

Under cover of a good analysis, Tuchel sought to protect himself by pointing his troop. Which, finally united, did not hide behind the scheme to explain its apathy and lack of grinta on the lawn of Dortmund.

For Neymar, it's Leonardo's fault

The most explosive outing on Tuesday evening returned to Neymar, author of the only Parisian goal. The Brazilian invited himself to the Champions League broadcast rights holders with the idea of ​​loading the club. Information taken: he was targeting Leonardo, the sports director, whom he has not carried in his heart since his aborted transfer to Barcelona last summer.

Aware of the significance of his words, crack wanted to settle his accounts and evacuate the debates on his performance, clearly insufficient despite its purpose. The catastrophic new management of his injury, at least from a communication point of view, rekindles the tensions between Leonardo and Thomas Tuchel, Thomas Tuchel and the medical sector, Neymar and the medical sector (his fractured foot had given rise in 2018 to a colossal imbroglio between the medical staffs of PSG and Brazil).

For Meunier, it's the club's fault

The right side will be suspended on March 11, victim of his third warning in the Champions League this season. But he didn't know he was under threat. This is what he will say afterwards in a staggering statement: "If I had known, I would not have made this mistake". Whether he says true or false, whether or not the club member has reminded him to be careful, his exit is a bit of flippancy about disciplinary matters.

On the merits, he says it is not his fault. The limit of his thesis is revealed by Marco Verratti, also suspended, and who did not discard on another to justify his stupidity, a useless warning at dusk (89th) of the meeting. Good on the field Tuesday, the Italian assumes. He is the only one in this club where everyone shoots in the paws.

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